Chapter- 1 The beginning

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In y/n room

Author POV

She was speaking with her sister Aanya about everyday trivialities when her phone started to ring. She picked it up to see that it was her big brother, Aditya.

Aditya: Hello, my beautiful sister. How are you? (When Aanya Di heard Bhaiya's voice, she made disgusted look. If we left them alone, they are practically capable of killing one another)

y/n- Yes, I'm OK. How are you doing? BTW, when are you coming back-?

Aditya-Tell me right away if Dracula is with you. (While I was about to speak, Didi started.)

aanya: Yes, I'm here. Is there something crucial?(She stated in a mocking tone)

Aditya- Yes, but not from you. Please give my darling sister some space while we have a special conversation—you know, sister-brother discussions.

Aanya: Yeah, but just so you know, we're also brother sister.

Aditya- Just be quiet and let me speak to y/n.

Y/n- What happened? Let me guess, do you have a girlfriend?

Aditya-(stunned) Oh my God, man, are you kind of a mind reading or what? You guessed it exactly: I do have a girlfriend (shy shy)

Aanya- eww Who would want to be with you by choice?

Aditya- I'm talking to my favourite sister, so shut up.

Y/n: Aree, stop you both...wahh, buddy When will we be allowed to meet our sister-in-law, then? (teasingly)

Aditya- Actually thats why I called you, Han So Hee is my girlfriend, and we have already discussed our relationship with her parents, so that is what I wanted to talk about. They approved of our marriage, but the question is, who will make our parents agreed for wedding

Aanya: Hold on, hold on, what? OMG Han So Hee is just too adorable; I adore her. But how can she select you when I thought she was intelligent?

Aditya: You won't even be able to meet her, as you can see.

y/n- bhaiya, so why the tension? Yes, I'm here. I'll assume full accountability.

Aditya- I know that you are the most well-liked child in our home and that everyone agrees with you, so please could you support me in everything.

y/n- Yes, but with the caveat that you must concur with everything I say up to your wedding. Deal?

Aditya agree! Thank you, sissy. Okay, I must leave now.

y/n- Oh, bhabhi must be calling you, I see (as I said bhaiya started laughing )

Aditya No no the director is calling; goodbye.

Now, allow me to clarify. Y/n has two older siblings named Aanya and Aditya. Aditya Kapoor, who is currently working with Han So Hee as co-star in South Korea, is a member of the Bollywood kapoor family. Aanya is a fashion designer and y/n is a well-known choreographer who has judged numerous reality competitions. Both Mrs. and Mr. Kapoor are actors, directors, and producers. Those are the Kapoors.

In morning

The Kapoor family was seated at the table. "Actually, I was just thinking, don't you think that Korean culture is quite nice like there history and traditions are fantastic right?" said Aanya. her mum chimed in, "Yeah those dramas are really excellent I adore them, and kpop too. So mumma what amoung us if- umm...bhaiya or me anyone-?" Aanya grinned. Aanya couldn't tell whatever was going on, so Y/N responded, "uff shut up sis, bhaiya has a girlfriend in Korea Simple."

some changes been there sorry for inconvenience

that's it for now its just first normal introduction about your family. In next episode Kim family will also be there so please stay tuned and support me.hope y'll like it

love yah! 

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