Chapter 8-night out

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Author pov
After spending some time enjoying the view Arshiya said
Arshiya- hey lets play something?
Jk- like what??
Y/n lets play chain?
y/n asked really excited
Tae- u really like that game don't u?(he said giggling)
Arshiya- yeah its her favorite...but we aren't enough to play that we want some more ppl
Jk- first explain how to play that game.
y/n- yeah I'll what we have to do is there will be one person who'll chase us and we'll have to run until that catch someone and once 1st person got caught they'll hold hands and chase after others like this big chain will form until the last person survive will be the winner that's it
Tae- sounds good umm so what about other ppl...more participants more fun?
Arshiya- arre wait there is a group of teens over there should we invite them?
Jk- yeah then we'll have so many ppl so much fun so much workout(he said excitedly)
They all go over to that group and asked them to join them
Tae- hey guys do u want to join us in a game we're playing?
Y/n- we're playing chain we'll have fun are u in?
Them- yeah sure
So after having rock,paper, scissor jk was selected  as danner. As jk is really fast in running he caught 2 girls from there group. Now they all decided to go for arshiya. But as arshiya was not much of a sports person she also got caught. now there are 4 people they can divide in 2.
So now 2 teams arshiya and jk. Other 2 girls got in one team like this one by one everyone got caught its only y/n and tae are left. Both of them were running and while running they didn't realised and bumped into each other taehyung fell on top of y/n.
Arishya pov
Ooh they are having some moments well why should I be left out. I moved little towards right and jerked his hands towards me making him lost his balance and fall on top of me.
Hmm now that's what's my life about- DRAMA
Taehyung pov
Mmhm finally got this moment. Y/n under me looks even more beautiful. Ik I'm cringe.
Oh O. Hmmh this is not good i can't be this easy to get. Ik his thoughts very well. U gotta work hard baby. But tbh this is something odd feeling which is quite heavy to handle still the effect is good.
Jk pov
Oh oh oh this is a mistake. No no no i can't to this I CAN'T do this. I'm already in a mess who to choose between my gym and Indian food now this goat is coming in my heart too?? Aah this triangle is going to be tough for me.
Author pov
After all this falling and slipping they got up ended there game with winner y/n and decided to eat street food. Eating, enjoying  and passing 2 to 3 hrs they decided to head back to home.
Time skip morning
mrs kapoor- hey my princess get up...oh dear wake up fast
y/n- little more pls
mrs. kapoor- get up dear please
y/n- hmmm
 mrs. kapoor- yah u idiot, can't u hear me, wait now you'll hear my slipper, get your little ass up the bed or i'll make u stand up within 2 sec.
she stormed her anger on y/n
y/n- yah mummy what happened to u. u were sweet talking a sec ago(she said yawing)
mrs. kapoor- so what can i do now u were not getting up na, now my princess go wash up nicely breakfast is in 5 min...and don't forget to call those 2 handsome boys also
y/n- uff mummy ur married!! stop staring at young boys.
mrs. kapoor- then that means i can stare at old mens??
y/n- are u kidding me in this stupid early morning?
mrs. kapoor- ofcourse i'm kidding u idiot i love my hubby more than parlour. so now move your ass up come fast.
y/n pov
as i got ready i thought about bear like hooman. he is messing with wrong girl. ik how to handle these boys...but he seems like experienced as he is handsome, cute, hot, funny all girls would be around him all the time. ahh shut it what r u thinking bitch get him out of your mind.
I am done and have to wake that chipkali

arshiya povas i was stepping on the red carpet, linked hands with jungkook, mendhak behind me making sure my dress is perfect and back side the hem is dragging all the way on ground

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arshiya pov
as i was stepping on the red carpet, linked hands with jungkook, mendhak behind me making sure my dress is perfect and back side the hem is dragging all the way on ground. suddenly i stepped on my dress and fall down. everyone gathered around me, mendhak came and said
y/n- hey u are okay arshiya, are u hurt some where, tell me my girl, u are okay arshiya speak!!
wait what! she is calling me by my name??
y/n- yaah!! bitchh get up dumbass. what are u even dreaming, get your stinking ass much more time u need get uppp!
arshiya- yeh yeh i'm up i'm up chill chill
y/n- I am waking u up from past 1 min can't u get up fast. what were u dreaming?? i heard my and jungkook name??(she said smirking)
arshiya- fuck off bitch i don't sleep talk its u who do...and its just 1 min it takes half n hour to walk u up
y/n-yeah yeah whatever now wash up i'm going to wake up those both boys.

arshiya- ok but tomorrow i'll wake them up
y/n- for that u have to wake up first
she walked away laughing. and i also went inside the washroom to make my beautiful face more beautiful.

 and i also went inside the washroom to make my beautiful face more beautiful

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author pov
she woke them up and everyone came downstairs to eat. no nothing much happend between y/n and tae. stop thinking much(smirk)
mr. kapoor- good morning all
mr. kim- morning everyone
mrs kapoor- hello morning morning
mrs. kim- happy morming
Aanya- hiii good morning
jungkook- shine bright
tae- have a bright morning everyone
aditya- good morning 
so hee- hello all morning
jin- morning everybody
arshiya- happy morning everybody
y/n- yahh is it whatsapp group or what why all have to wish good morning, its ok if some one don't wish right.(she said laughing)
mr. kapoor- ok enough enough now lets have food shall we?
tae- my stomach is still so full from la-
as taehyung was talking y/n covered his mouth with hands
y/n- nothing mom he is saying that he want to eat something light that's it
mrs. kapoor- ik u went out yesterday late night. don't hide it from me, u didn't brush your teeth last night. u smelled really bad. i guess u ate too much garlic fries
y/n- yahh mom thats disgusting shut up
arshiya- haha u didn't brushed haha
y/n- so what ik u got your stomach upset from yesterday dinner, whole room was stinking with gas.
arshiya- hatt mendhak i don't stink shut up
everybody was laughing at these idiots. all have there food went to do there own work.

thank u all. thats it, have a wonderfull day. love uh!

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