chapter- 9

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later in the day

Arshiya- yah I'm so bored. let's do something na
yn- should we dance?
Arshiya- shut up all u do is dance. don't u get tired of dancing.
y/n- ofcoure i don't that's my work idiot
Aanya- does anyone want to go shopping?
Mrs. kapoor- yes I'm ready. when are we leaving
yn- oh mom when did u come?
arshiya- if someday aunty gets lost then just scream shopping and she'll be in a sec.(she said laughing)
mrs. kapoor- (smacking her ass)hupp u young lady, behave with me even tho i look young it doesn't mean i'm not older than u.
arshiya- ouch aunty that hurts...but anyway are we going shopping now?
yn- yeah lets take sohee bhabhi too, we'll have girls outing today
Aanya- perfect then lets meet in 10 min downstairs.

author pov
after half n hour everyone came downstairs. ofcourse which lady gets ready in 10 min.

yn- everyone here? shall we move ahead
mrs. kim- ok lets leave.
arshiya- i'll be driving. 
right now arshiya is driving, yn is beside her. in the back mrs. kapoor, mrs. kim and sohee are sitting. and at the last seat Aanya is sitting. as arshiya was about to move ahead. someone shouted

jin- waitttttt I'm here too...
yn- hi what are you doing here??
jin- actually i also want to go shopping, if u don't mind me...u can enjoy your ladies time i'll shop separately.
arshiya- oh no jin oppa there won't be any problem just its that all the seats are ful-
Aanya- oh no no there is seat left beside me...if it okay with him...
she said shyly...and both crackhead got the signal.
yn- oh yes yes oppa come with us we'll have lot of fun.
now everyone got there seat jin is obviously sitting beside aanya.
arshiya- anybody left? shall we go ahead.

after reaching mall

yn- ok me, arshiya and sohee bhabhi are going to buy dresses.
mrs. kapoor- me and mrs. kim are going to buy makeup
jin- umm actually i wanted to buy slippers( laughs awkwardly)
arshiya- yeah so aanya di can go with you right?
yn- yeah di didn't you wanted to buy heels for your friends birthday party.
aanya- aree but i already-
arshiya- ok jin oppa she is coming with you tata everyone...

now everyone was on there way.
jin- ok direct me to the shop...
aanya- oh yeah its near just one floor above.
jin- so tell me about you.
btw all this time jin had hi face covered in mask and hat
aanya- umm as i have told i'm makeup artist, i have worked with my father's production till now i'm kind of spreading my company to collaborate with other productions...
jin- hmm if u like i can help u to work in some production in korea...and for a start u can contact my company...
aanya- oh that we'll be great thanks
jin- aah its not a big deal...we'll talk about this in free is this the shop?

as they both reached the shop first they decided to look for slippers...after choosing jin's slipper they went to girls section.
aanya- umm u know there is no need to buy right now...i have a pair-
jin- do u think that i will let u go without buying for yourself and yn already said u wanted so atleast try some.
aanya- ok if u  say so.
now she started to try some high heels.
jin- no no this isn't the right one try another...on wait about this...nahh...oooh look at that...try this too...
after spending 45 min on trying heels aanya was exhausted.
aanya- u seem to have more interest than me.(she said laughing a bit)
jin- yeah i'm quite particular with things...
aanya- but we couldn't find 
jin- ok ik whats the problem is. you are not giving me demo just looking at it how'll get to know which is the right stand up and walk
now as aanya obeyed his command she stood up and was about to walk but she tripped over the other heels which were lying there and ofcourse...she fall in arms of jin. both of them were staring in each others eyes. both of them were enjoying there moment. until...

random kid- aree uncle room mei jao na public place hai.
they both got startled. and stand up straight. jin couldn't undertand what that kid said.
aanya- oye chapad ganju ja jake lollipop chus aur kaam se kaam rkh.
jin- ok lets final this.
both were blushing hard and decided to go roam around the mall
after 2 hrs everyone got gathered in the food court as everyone was really hungry.
Aanya was sitting between yn and arshiya. so they both asked questions
aanya- oh shut up someone will hear. we'll talk in night( she said smiling a little)
yn- hmmmm smiling huh gurl ok ok we talk later

after spending some time all went back.
mr. kim- where were you all?
jin- we went for shopping.
mr. kapoor- well that's nothing new
mr. kim- we have an important thing to share.
yn- what is it?
mr. kapoor- that we'll tell u while we'll be having dinner as everyone will be present there.
mrs. kapoor- ok but right now i'm tired...come we'll have some rest.
both of them went away. mr. kim and kapoor also went out for some work, everyone also started doing there own work.

at dinner
yn pov
I was serving the dinner while everyone were chatting and mumma was helping me.
Mr. kapoor- ok so now here's the news...we thought of having a trip with Kim family as they still have to visit different places.
Mrs. kim- yes please india is so full of beautiful places
mrs. kapoor- where should we go then?
Arshiya- ohh let's visit South maybe...
aditya- are I have a better plan let's go to somewhere north uk trekking and all
Aanya- wait let's go somewhere resort type, beach and like that
y/n- what about some dessert place, Jaipur or something?
Mr. Kim- wait kids we'll go one by one ok let's decide together
Mr. Kapoor- shall we visit Udaipur?
arshiya- oh yes the city of lakes
y/n- India's one of most romantic place
jk- ohh I am excited
tae- so when we are leaving?
sohee- we can leave in 2 days, packing takes time UK
mr. kim- ok so final we are going udaipur in 2 days for 3 nights and 2 days good for all?
everyone agreed and started discussing about vacation.

so that's it for now as they all we'll be enjoying in Udaipur we will be getting new characters and  couples so look forward to it and please like and comment about ur favourite part and what u want to see more, u can suggest some information about Udaipur and places I will try to consider your requests. love uh all and always be happy:)

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