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I rushed to school trying to ignore the fact that I had no idea what was going on. I got there in time with two minutes left. I reached my class right when the bell rang and noticed everyone to be staring at me. I didn't understand why they were looking at me as if I killed every one of their family members. Again, I ignored that too. "Take a seat" My teacher spoke to me in such a strict manner, so I do. I couldn't help but to stop paying attention due to my mind wandering off to another place. Where what my mom? Where was my aunt? What was going on? I didn't notice how time went by so fast until the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I raced out of there and got into my next class. My next class was English, I liked it though. I had very good english, proper grammar, and all- well, for the most part.

Again, my mind went away to another place as they started to talk about 'morning boards'. It was really boring anyway. I started to think about the tire swing, and maybe I'd adventure the yard when I got home. That thought brought me back to the absent of my two family members. I thought, maybe they got home and then had to leave early. No, someone would've left a note. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and my English teacher opened it. Almost instantly his face got serious and all of the students became quiet. I looked to the door but I couldn't tell who was there. Then finally, a police officer took a step inside and waved his hand to me, motioning me to come out. I did as I was told and I found myself getting into the passenger seat of his vehicle the next several minutes afterwards.

"Kid, do you know what this is about?" The police officer had asked me as soon as we got to the first stop sign.

I shook my head no, and incase he hadn't seen me do so, I said no as well. He exlpained that my parents, as he referred them as, go into a car accident. This startled me and I didn't know what to think. At this point in time we arrived in front of an emergency room hospital in Georgia, along the coast. I stared at him, hoping he would go on, but he didn't. We got out of the car, and we made our way towards the sign that said 'enter here'. We went inside and he checked in. I really didn't know what was going on, nor did I think that I wanted to. I hope my 'parents' were okay, was as much as I could think of at that moment. The officer told me to come on and we got into an elevator. I decided to take the initiative to ask what had happened to them, in other words, to go into more dept about the car accident. He looked at me seriously and told me that I will know soon enough.

He was right. I made my way, running, into the room that held both of my parents on. "Mom!" I screamed, knowing that this was very bad. It looked very bad as well, and the beeps on a monitor told me so as well. The officer left and a nurse made her way into the room. I started to shed a few tears and she told me to sit down. I sat down and she started to talk to me about what was going on and how a drunk driver hit them on the way home and they weren't found until a few hours ago. I sat there listening, trying not to cry. She told me that they were going to be okay but she wasn't too sure they would remember a whole lot. I knew what she meant by that and I knew then, they wouldn't know who I was when they woke up. Finally, she came out with the worse news, that they were both in comas. It even got worse. She told me I'd have to stay with another family member, and if there weren't another one living in Georgia- which there wasn't- I'd have to go into a day care type of thing, is how she described it. People would be taking care of me until my mother and aunt woke up, which might not be for awhile, the nurse warned me.

I couldn't say anything, instead, I decided to nod and just space off and try to be in a happier place. I wish they would've never took me here. They said it wasn't safe out there but in all reality it wasn't safe here either. I didn't know how to entirely react to all of this. Short after they took me to the day care place and a very kind, middle aged woman came out and told me that she'd be taking care of me along with a few others until my parents were all better. I nodded to this simple truth and walked inside. I didn't like how it looked. It felt as if I were in a dongon for kids who didn't have parents. Though I didn't like to be rude, I couldn't help it. Before, I knew it, I blurted out "this sucks." I was more than mad at that moment and the lady told me to 'hang in there' and that 'things will be better soon' she didn't know that though.

She began to walk away and then stopped as if she forgot something. She turned to me with an apologetic expression. "My name is Ruth, by the way." I nodded and she came back to me, kneeling down on her knees and placing a hand on my arm. "Don't worry boy, it's not as bad here, as it seems. You and the kids will get along fine. Also, the food here isn't too bad either." She tried to be welcoming and kind and I appreciated that but I couldn't smile then, not in a time like this.

Later that night I heard the door open, a boy about 12 or so came into my room. "Hey I knew you were knew here and I just wanted to say hello. My name is Brandon." I had to smile at that because he was just as kind as could be to a stranger like me. I got out've been and made my way towards him. "Hello, I'm Charlie." He gestured a smile and so did I. After a few lines of conversating about how it is here and what to expect along with what not to expect he grew tired, also myself. He motioned to the door then turned around before leaving and spoke with words as kind as possible, "Welcome home." and walked out, turning my light off and closing my door.

I couldn't help but to think, this is not home. With that, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. The next morning, I woke up and smelled the fresh scent of sausage and eggs, with toast. I got up and everyone welcomed me to breakfast and were really nice about it all. I sat by Brandon and Ruth said goodmorning to me. Everyone said hi in the nest few hours and then I thought to myself with only some doubt, maybe it'll be okay here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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