Parpaldian-British war part 1

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UK pov

I heard about the declaration of war so I had forces in British Louria and the entire continent of Rodenius prepared for defense of the coast. I alerted my allies of the fight to come and began to flood troops to defend the Rodenius continent as it is the closet the Parpaldian Empire can come to hurting my people which I will refuse to allow to happen.

Gra Valkas pov

I heard of the Parpaldian declaration of war on the Imperial Federation which triggered our Treaty of Steel. So I announced a declaration of war on the Parpaldian Empire to defend the Imperial Federation so I began to move my troops to the closet friendly base to fight Parpaldia while my navy moved to fight the closet Parpaldian naval assets they can find.

South Africa pov

I heard about the inbound attack on my father and sister I moved my tank core to Rodenius while I began to negotiate an allowence of the Imperial Federation to use the MU air port with Altarus so we could bomb them directly. My infantry core moved to Qua-Toyne to increase the training of the modernization of the Qua-Toyne troops so we can have better prepared fighters for if not I mean when the Parpaldians land.

Qua-Toyne pov

I heard about the war but since we have been modernizing thanks to the Imperial Federation in the civilian and partial military growth has helped me prepare to give the enemy hell so I felt a bit less scared. I also knew the British and their federation would begin landing forces to aid us on mass meaning we are even less scared of this war but I have been having my recently bought patrol boats to patrol our coasts which thanks to advise from the British we know how to maintain them without much worry. I also knew the airports we made would also give us the blessing of air support which what the British have told us could easily change the tide of the war if used correctly.

Poquetoire pov

We began to move to crush these barbarians as I smiled about how we would kill their leader brutally once we conquered this continent. I looked at the many forces under my command with a smirk on my face as I told the wyverns to establish our air dominance so we can have an easier time landing which will allow us to overtake the entire continent a little bit faster. 

British Louria pov

I heard about the fight but knew we would win and if we do start losing well we can just nuke the capital without worry. I then got an invitation to a military festival in Fenn to test our strength which I sent to my father so we could see if we wanted to do so or not during war.

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