Parpaldian-British war part 6

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Ludius pov

I called a meeting of the high ranks to find out how the barbarians got past our defenses despite not a single sighting of them before they began their attack on Duro. I looked and saw everyone enter excluding Kaios?

Ludius: Where is Kaios

Arde: I don't know my Emperor

Lupasa: I will have someone check his home but right now we must focus on defending against the attack on Duro.

Ludius: Well then can someone tell me...HOW DID BARBARIANS LAND IN DURO!?

Arde: I don't know but our navy from Oversight is fighting the Barbarians of Rodneus luckily but the losses will not be such mercy.....

Ludius: Arde I need you to defend Duro as it supplies our army meaning losing it could change the tide of the war plus have the nations we supressed revolt against our rule which will end us!

Arde: I will do my best my Emperor

Ludius: Anything else?

Remille: Yes my Emperor we have been denied our daily slaves from Topa due to their increasing friendship with this Australia?

Ludius: Annoying what of the lands we want from Fenn?

Remille: Also denied

Ludius: Don't deal with them now we shall take the British down then Fenn, then demand the daily slaves from Topa, and if they deny then we go in for the kill

Remille: Good plan my Emperor

Ludius: Thank you Remille now then anything else?....Nothing? Well then let's get going and fast!

* They all rush out to do what they agreed to *

Australia pov

I smiled as I shot an enemy soldier down and listened to the radio about the current movements of the Parpaldian army. I also smiled as we had captured 10 mages via snipers removing their legs or hands so we will bring them to London so we can understand how in the heavens magic works. I also smiled as rumors of the British Wyvern core were circulating to be sent to Duro to aid us being confirmed once we get magic it will happen meaning we will finally have Wyverns....I will find a Wyvern Overlord or one of those Wyverns and ride it even if I have to fight the Imperial Federation to have it happen. I smiled as I saw my troops crushing the Parpaldians to our left with the small amount of Gra Valkas troops that were with us helping in clearing building with Gra Valkas herself meleeing the Parpaldians!? Jeez and I thought I was a badass....

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