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"I don't think it's a good idea for me to move in with you.. but" Hope trailed off.

"But?" Josie questioned.

"But we can make up an agreement that I live like down the street from you, just in case you piss me off." Hope teased with a smile following after so josie could know that she was kidding.


Here was the day that Josie has been waiting for all along, she dreamt for this day.

—okay so maybe dreaming for this day was beyond a stretch but she was very excited for the day, because today, she got to find out the sex of her child.

Now this should have been more exciting and Josie's couldn't wait for the moment but now she would have to visit the doctors all by herself.

Hope was busy off doing some work in New York, Lizzie was busy with her life and Josie wouldn't find it exciting to go with her sister to find out the gender of her unborn baby.

—Her mother was out of town and she damn sure wasn't going to ask her father to tag along because she hasn't talked to him in quite a bit and he was one of the few people that protested against Josie having this baby all on her own.

Now Josie was just stuck with herself, and that wasn't a bad thing, that was actually a good thing.


Josie was going into her 5th month of being pregnant which only meant she had 4 months left, that wasn't bad at all.

"Hello Josette, how are we doing today?" The doctor asked as he walked into the room.

Josie smiled as she played with her fingers that sat in her lap. "I'm doing perfectly fine, I just can't wait to see the baby."

The doctor looked down at the papers in front of him and he raised his eyebrow. "I think that it's best if we preform an 3D activity seeing as we are all supernatural here, that way I can see how much power the baby holds and if the baby is as healthy as a normal one would be."

"Normal?" Josie questioned before she scoffed. "My baby is normal!" Josie hissed before crossing her arms.

The doctor sent an apologetic smile. "I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying since the baby is a supernatural than he or she is bound to have something wrong with them, whether it's their witch abilities or werewolf or even vampire trace like your friend, Hope." The doctor says as he placed the clip board down on the table.

"Well the baby's dad is a werewolf and I'm a siphoner, so I expect my child to be some Werewitch or something." Josie chewed on her bottom lip.

The doctor nodded before he fixed his gloves. "I need you to lay down so I can run the ultrasound." He says as Josie laid back and pulled her shirt up just above her belly.

The doctor applied some pressure, and he rubbed the gel onto her belly as the baby appeared on the screen, but they were crawled up into a ball making it hard to see what the gender is.

"Uhh, I need the baby to move around so I'm going to poke at your stomach just a bit." The doctor notified and Josie just nodded.

—When the doctor poked at Josie's belly, the brunette couldn't help but to feel weirder than usual, but on the screen she couldn't see any movement from her child. "Is that normal?" Josie asked the doctor.

The doctor shook his head. "It's almost like they're dead." He accidentally said.

Josie eyes widened and she pushed him away. "What the hell do you mean, dead? You're supposed to be the doctor, now fix this!" Josie said worriedly.

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