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The auburn haired girl ran her fingers through her hair as she entered her house, it was the first time in a while that she actually been to her own house.

Things had gotten out of hand with Josie and the whole Jed, and even Finch thing.

Hope wasn't used to the sudden drama, it was a bit much for the tribrid, and even though she needed to talk with Josie, she couldn't just yet. She couldn't without releasing tears.

—The auburn haired girl was a bit happy at the fact of Josie wanting her. The only problem was that it took all these years for Josie to want her, it took all this time for Josie to even acknowledge the thought of her and Hope didn't like that, she didn't like feeling like an second option.

Maybe Hope was digging into things but she didn't want to risk it.

Of course she could result in the whole, taking things slow thing but if we are being honest, there is nothing slow about their relationship.

They had an child—awesome and amazing child—before they even had their first official kiss.

Hope knew that she should do something about this and go about it the right way but she didn't know what exactly to do.


Josie in the meantime was just getting done with eating and she brought Olivia up to her room.

The brunette enjoyed the food—but the dessert wasn't as good—she was even left with her thoughts in a empty and quiet house.

The women had a lot to think about, starting with Olivia and ending with Hope.

She knew she confused the hell out of Hope when she kissed her and then went out with finch, but it wasn't really a date, it was just to let Finch know that she wasn't so interested as Finch thought.

Finch didn't take it so well.

"Hello gorgeous." Finch grinned as they sat down at some fancy restaurant.

—"Hi, Finch, I just want to talk with you before-"

"Can it wait. I want us to have one evening before you start bring up, Hope or your daughter. I hate it when you talk about them." Finch admits as she clenched her fist tight together.

Josie's face said it all, she didn't know why finch thought it was the right thing to say, especially when talking about the brunettes daughter. "What's the problem with my daughter? If you wanted this relationship to work you would have to respect everything that comes with being in it." The siphoner scoffed,

Finch ran her fingers through her hair and she sighed. "I'm not trying to say anything bad about your daughter, I just think that you worry about her a little too much."

"So I'm supposed to limit my time on always wanting my daughter to be protected. I don't think you get how parenting works, I can't just stop worrying about my freaking daughter!" Josie got up from her seat.

Finch shook her head. "You are making this bigger than what it should be, let's be real, this is some how all about Hope."

Josie let out an dry laugh. "Oh my god! You're so obsessed with her, what the hell is wrong with you? Not everything is about you or Hope!"

"So you don't want her? You don't want her in any type of way that's not platonic?"

Josie sighed at the memory before she headed off to the kitchen. She had to wash the dishes and clean everything up because she wasn't going to do it the next morning, or at all. She hated doing the dishes and it was either she got it done now or it wouldn't be done.

But everything did get done, Josie was left with her thoughts. She had a lot to think about and how she was going to fix things.

It's just both Hope and Josie would always talk things out with each other and communicate, that's what their friendship was built on and every since things got complicated with Olivia, Finch and even Jed, their relationship has been brushed off, it's like they were falling apart before they were even put together.


The next morning, Hope woke up to a bad feeling, she just felt as if the day was going to get more crazier than it started.

She found herself staring in the mirror of her bathroom. As her fingers gripped around the sink. She then splashed a bit of water on her face and she felt something ache in her body.

As she turned bathroom light was turned off a flash over took Hopes eyes.

Hope felt as if she was being set up, someone was setting her up and she didn't know who. "I can sue you for forging my name on Olivia's birth certificate, obviously that's meant for Jed to sign or something." Hope scoffed.

She didn't know why that just popped up and into her head but it did.

The tribrid struggled to get back to her room as her back hit against the wall.

—"why would Jed sign it? Have you seen Olivia? She's literally a mini you, with her light auburn specs of hair. I can't even imagine how beautiful her blue eyes would be when she grows into them." The nurse was talking weird.

The memories kept flashing into her eyes, it was like an never ending nightmare.

As the auburn haired girl fell up on top of her bed, her eyes glowed up gold. Her nails then dug into the mattress.

Her wolf was breaking through, and she didn't know why.

Hope growled as her eyes lit up. "Who are you?" Hope says before she gripped onto the nurses shirt and held her by thread.

Hope clothes started to shred. She never felt this way before and she sure as hell wasn't able to stop this, which was weird because usually could control herself.

"Hey hope." A voice called.

As soon as Hope turned around a pile of dust blew into her face. With in seconds she had forgot what happened a few minutes ago, she barely could even register her name.

Hope hadn't remembered any of this happening, she felt as if she living in the future, but then again it looked like the hospital that Olivia was born in, so she couldn't tell if it was the future or was it the present.

"Hey" The voice repeated in her head.

That's when it hit her, maybe her wolf was trying to let her remember this moment, but she knew for sure that it wasn't a dream or the future.

She groaned in pain as her bones started to crack some more.

The nurse and the unknown person walked away and Hope blinked her eyes a few times before everything just stopped.

Hope groaned some more as she heard a loud slam.

Her face was drenched in sweat and she turned towards the door as she felt tears leave her eyes.

"Hope?" She heard Josie's voice coming from downstairs.

The auburn haired girl shook her head. "No, No, No." Hope says before she groaned and broke another bone. This shouldn't have been this hard.

Soon Hopes bed room door opened and the tribrid fell to the floor in full Werewolf form.

She growled when she spotted Olivia and Josie. "H..Hope.. what kind of kinky shit you have going on?" Josie questioned as she covered Olivia's ears.

Hope only growled, she then stepped back to show Josie she wasn't trying to hurt either of them.

"What happened?" Josie questioned as she knelt down.

Hope was hesitant to walk up to her best friend but she did.

Olivia reached her hand out to pet Hopes fur but she shocked herself and fell down flat to her bottom. "Hey, you okay?" Josie asked before helping her daughter up.

The young auburn haired girl shook her head as tears were visible. "J..Jed.. b..bad." Olivia stuttered out before she hugged her mom tight.

It wasn't all too clear for Josie to understand but she knew Hope would understand, and that just meant she just needed to wait until Hope shifted back.

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