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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob

"What are you doing here?"

Jacob looked up at Miguel as he stood behind the counter. His eyes narrowed on him in irritation as he looked around to see if anyone was paying him mind.

And not to his surprise, Jacob was attracting eyes immediately. Not just because of his looks, but because everyone knew who he was and who his family was. They were always on TV when it came down to the political pursuits and desires to be the first to create the next Luna.

Him being here wasn't wise because many people love him, and many people hate him. However, in the parts that Miguel worked in, parts Jacob would call the 'poor parts', they resented him as well as envied him.

"I..." Jacob was at a loss for words actually seeing Miguel, finally. His heart raced slightly and the more he looked at him, the faster it seemed to go.

He was so concentrated on Miguel that he didn't even realize how many people were giving him the stink eye. How many of them were wishing he'd disappear and not show off what they didn't have.

Miguel noticed that more people were coming in and the longer Jacob stood here, the more people would come. They were starting to record and take pictures and he knew such a thing wouldn't look good on either of their ends.

Especially since no one knew of his real name, he couldn't have it be revealed and that ruin his comfort zone here. He liked not being known...and Jacob was beginning to impede on that just being in his presence.

"If you're not buying anything then leave, you're holding up the line." Miguel tells him fast, Jacob looking behind himself.

Seeing that there was in fact a line, he reached over and grabbed a pack of chips and a drink. He pushed it forward towards Miguel who knew for a fact that Jacob didn't eat such things.

Except he didn't want to make any more of a scene as he began to ring the stuff up. Jacob admiring Miguel before him as just him doing a simple task as ringing up his items was amazing to him. To see the way his hands moved and his arms.

"That's three dollars and seventy-five cents." Miguel tells him now, and he saw Jacob pull out his wallet. Only to hand him a twenty dollar bill and he narrowed his eyes on him. "The most I would need is five dollars-."

"Take it...and the change. You must accept it you can't make me take it back. The money is already yours."

"By technicality, it's the store's." Miguel corrects him, and Jacob became irritated by that fact. "So you gave the store sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents. How charitable of you."

That instantly had Jacob regretting giving him that much money.

"Then...I want it back." He retorts quickly.

"If you don't get your entitled ass out this store!" Miguel and Jacob hear people complain as he ignored such words. He saw Miguel sigh, giving him back his money in change.

Now he was holding it out to him and Jacob didn't want to take it. With him taking it meant he'd have no more reasons to be standing in front of him. He didn't want to walk away and wait, he wanted to speak to him now.

Miguel noticed the look he was giving him and knew exactly what he wanted. His hand reached over and grabbed Jacob's, placing the change in his palm. He let his hand that held the back of Jacob's, graze against it softly. Only to let go as he nods.

"Have a nice-."

Jacob didn't even allow him to finish as he grabbed his stuff, rushing out of the store now. Going towards his car that happened to be surrounded by people admiring it, but when he drew close they dispersed like flies.

His Alpha of SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now