twenty three

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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob

"Do you want to be surprised when it comes down to finding out the gender or...?"

Jacob looked at his father, seeing him wait patiently for an answer. As he looked at him, he saw his wedding ring was off.

"Are you divorcing my mom?" Jacob simply asks, ignoring his question, causing his dad to look off. Only to look back at him as he nods. "Okay...I just say be wary because you married into my mom's family. You divorcing her may strip you of the luxuries of being a Cythe."

Jacob saw his dad grin solemnly, shrugging as he looked at his hand. Seeing the pale line of where his ring used to be, and he hated himself for disliking the barren dwelling.

"I already was stripped of all things luxury when I chose my family over the love of my life. I don't care anymore, I must find him." His father murmured, only to cradle Jacob's face as he grinned. "The only thing lovely I earned from this was you four. My children...I don't regret helping in your creation, even if the idea behind it was contrived."

"Even if they fry anything against you, you have me. I am still apart of the family, as are my siblings. My mom...can't do anything anyway after what the baby did to her. If you can't earn back all of the things you gained and lost in this marriage, just know that I will have your back." Jacob assured him, causing his dad to feel a little teary eyed.

He didn't expect such words to come from him, but at the same time, he did. His eyes lowering as he nodded behind him.

When Jacob looked, he saw Miguel standing quite a distance away. His back turned to them as he was talking to his own siblings. People that he was finally able to speak to again after having not been able to for so long.

"I'm happy you aren't denying what your heart truly feels. You have even been blessed with the creation of the next Luna. That comes from true love and strength, what you two have. Even if there were tribulations, look where it's gotten you now. I wasn't so lucky," His dad admits, still looking at Miguel, "He reminds me so much...of the man I once loved. When I first saw him I was put to the test. Reminded of what I was trying to forget. Because when you were born, I was sixteen and your mom was seventeen. Merely because we were horny teenagers who mistook our anger for one another as lust."

Jacob grinned, recognizing that very much. It reminded him of how Miguel and him got started.

Except their anger for one another really did stem from lust. That aching fervor that finally had them clawing at one another.

"We were married young, because my parents were angry that I dare fall in love with someone who wasn't their choice. And that I also...dare place myself in a position that was below them. As an Alpha, it's always shunned if we are ever below someone. This man I came to love was my age, but was an Alpha too. I wish in those times that our bodies came together we didn't let fear stop us from creating a child. Because then, our families would be forced to accept us together.'s too late now, I can always try to see him now." His dad smiled excitedly only for Jacob to look at him nervously.

That nervous look only worried him further...him wondering if it was worth it. Should he even be able to find his one true love again.

Jacob noticed that his own nerves were moving onto his dad, only to smile.

"I want to be surprised." He ends up telling him, gripping his father's shoulders, "Surprise me. Surprise us. I Miguel feels about all of this and he is just as excited as I. When I go to my ultrasound today...we will have the doctor keep it secret and give the information to you. can tell us the gender, so I wanted you to come with me today; but... If you intend on finding your first love, then I won't stop you-."

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