1. First day of college

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Ahh, today I finally decided to get admission for college, I never wanted this field, but I am so tired of engineering admission process and all the expenses that it has, I decided I will study something simple like IT.

I am already 2 months late, no idea which college I will get admission into, but I am hopeful.

Dad and I have lunch and then we go on our search for colleges.

So, we go in first college- S.V. but there was so much rush, which was odd as we had went around 11 and around this time classes already are going on.

We ask watchman, the old guy tells us that there is some police case happened and due to which the rush of media and police is there,

So we left from there and we go to all other colleges, but all the seats are booked as I have done too late to get admission, but then as luch woulf have it, we get a call from S.V. college that they have considered my application,
So we go there immediately.

The college looks okayish, its more like a school, there is no college vibe here, everyone is in classroom, corridors are empty, overall a strict vibe.

I meet with teachers and then they ask me about my marks and ask me to complete the formality at reception.

At reception as usual the guy is plain rude, he is so irritated I dont know what for, he asks me to fill some forms, and write my details on a blank page.

Luckily I had carried a book and pen, I start writing down my details, but he suddenly yells at me "go out, fill your form and then come inside", good thing I had asked dad to wait outside otherwise he would also have listened to all this rubbish.

I go out, but as there is no desk, I cant write properly, and in the same time bell rings and lecture is over I guess, some of the girls and boys come in corridor, I give them a look, all of them are wearing simple clothes, so good thing everyone here focuses on study rather than looks.

Then I scribble my details somehow, and admission process in completed, they ask me to join from tomorrow at 7 AM.

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