16. friends

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"what about we all hang out?" Ava suggested "schools over"

"Yeah sure, why not" jaden replied before i could.
"Actually we were goanna hang out right?" I asked jaden.

"We can do that later?" He asked.
"Yeah sure ig.." i said as i went to stand next to kaylen and elliana.

"great Lets go what about the Beach?'' ava asked us clinging onto jaden's arm.

i glared at him as he just shrugged. ''we dont have the best expierence with the beach'' javon said as i chuckeld ''he's right'' jaden finally spoke up loosing his arm from ava's grasp.

"Okay, we can just hang in the park?" She asked.
"Yeah i dont see why not" Jaden replied.
"I have to go home but i see you guys tmr bye" ellie said as she hugged me kaylen, javon and jaden.

She just glared at ava witch she got back. Me and kaylen giggled at there little interaction.

Me and jaden were walking hand in hand ava next to jaden, and kaylen and javon in front of us.

We got to the park and found a bence to sit down, i took in my surroundings. I dont trust this place.

I sat down on jaden's lap as ava sat next to him and kaylen at the other side with javon. It was silent the only thing i heard was a sound breeze.
Ava pulled out a small box with a glitter design on it. "Who wants some?" She asked opening it revealing a vape and cigarettes.

"No thanks" i said awkwardly
"What she said" javon responded.
Kaylen nodded.

"K, what about you jay?" She turned to him.
"Hm, nah" he replied before putting his arms around my waist, giving me butterflies.
"Come on" ava wasnt goanna give up.
"He said no" i spoke up
"I asked him not u" she replied with an attitude.

"And i answer-" i started but got cut of by jaden.
"Just take one" she said grabbing her vape taking a drag of it.
"Just one hit" he said giving in.
He inhaled the smoke just to blow it out agian.
He's done this before so not one cough left his mouth.
But he promised he wasnt goanna do it anymore.

Javon rolled his eyes at his brother a look of disappointment on his face. "If dad finds out you're dead meat" he told his brother.
"He wont" is all jaden said.

After a little bit and a few more drags.
"Im cold" ava said.

"K?" Kaylen replied.
"Nice" javon said.
I chuckled witch made ava glare at me before her glare turned into a smirk, she turned to jaden.
"Jay can i have you're hoodie" she asked him with puppy eyes.

Oh, The bitch.

"Oh, yeah" he said before taking it of and handing it to her.
Im done with this
"Jaden can i talk to u?" I said standing up.

I grabbed his hand and went to stand away from the trio.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled
"What do you mean?" He said taking aback about my sudden outburst.

"First you cancel our plans to hang out with ava" i said
"You're he-" he started before i cut him off.
"Then you fucking vape"
"No! And last of all you give her you're hoodie?" I pointed my finger towards ava.

"She was cold" he defended himself "and what's you're problem anyways, you're the one who told me to become friends with her"

"Yea but not like this!" I said
"You have javon as a friend its the same with ava" He asked.
I didnt reply
"Me and ava are friends, nothing more"

612 words!

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