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She was furious.

She was furious at Optimus Prime, her best friend since they were younglings, for taking the blame for someone else. Now, that he has taken the blame for Sentinel Prime for disobeying orders of not to land on Arach-7 and getting a fellow Prime killed, Ultra Magnus had taken him out of the Elite Academy. Sentinel Prime and Rhythm Prime were just given leave and double duty when they come back.

Optimus, Sentinel, Elita and Rhythm were doing patrolling Sector 34, when they picked up a signal on an organic planet. Rhythm and Optimus were against landing down on the planet, but Sentinel wanted to do it and made Elita to agree with him. So, they landed their ship on the purple-looking organic planet, picking up energon signals. Sentinel came up with the idea to track down the energon, take it back on board and head back to Cybertron to show Ultra Magnus and the others what they found on patrol. The signals lead them to a cave where they found a pile of energon blocks. Rhythm had to admit, it was pretty exciting that they were taking a find back home. All of a sudden, organic spider creatures came out of nowhere, surrounding them. All four of them took out their weapons to fight; Optimus had managed to fight a path for them to escape. He grabbed Rhythm first and told her to go start the ship before going to get Sentinel and Elita. Optimus grabbed Sentinel but was having trouble trying to get Elita. Whatever happened after that, Rhythm didn't know, that was between Sentinel and Optimus. After the two mechs came back, they said nothing to her, that's when she put the pieces together that they couldn't get to Elita.

After arriving back on Cybertron, they had to tell their Commander, Kup, about the... misfortune. Was it the right choice to call Elita's death a misfortune? Kup made them go get checked out by the medics, before he made them individually give him a report. After that, they were sent home. Optimus and Rhythm lived together in an apartment with Rhythm's sparkling, the sparkling kept them busy which was good. They didn't know what the outcome would be, but Rhythm was going to have Optimus' back no matter what, even if it meant being kicked out of the Elite Guard Academy.

When she woke up from recharge this morning, all she could feel was dread. She made breakfast for her and Optimus and made her sparkling some low grade energon. She told Optimus to go a head of her, she had to drop her son off at the sparkling-sitters.

Now, they found out their fate regarding being in the Elite Guard Academy. Optimus left before she could even stop him, to even try to convince Ultra Magnus that he was making a mistake.

"This is fragging unbelievably," Rhythm mumbled.

"Seems fitting,"a sudden voice came from behind her. She turned around to see Sentinel. She truly didn't want to see him at all, she wanted to punch that arrogant son of a glitch.

She shot daggers at him. "Fitting? Optimus took the heat for you!"

Sentinel scowled. "Lower your voice before someone overhears you."

Rhythm frowned. "You became Prime before any of us," she said dangerously low. "You were in charge. This all fal-"

Before she could even finish, Sentinel had his servo around her neck. "Don't say anything," he threatened. "If you do, I'll tell Ultra Magnus that your son is a Decepticon."

Rhythm shoved Sentinel away from her; once his servos was off of her, she rubbed her neck. "Threaten my son and I will kill you." She turned her back on him and walked away. Now, wasn't the time to get into with the slagging arrogant, big-chin mech, she just wanted to get her son and find Optimus.

Optimus wasn't answering his comm link, which was understandable but it worried Rhythm. She walked down the streets of Iacon, passing mechs and femmes who were going on about their cycle. Right now, she was missing Praxus; back home, she could walk down to the Enforcer office and talk to her creators about everything or hunt down her big brother.

She found herself in front of a house, she knocked on the door. She waited a klik before the door opened up, revealing an elderly femme who she first met in Iacon after her and Optimus asked the femme if she needed help to fix her step. Celeste, is her designation, a nice elderly femme who is incredibly easy to confide in and own a local bakery.

"Darlin'," Celeste greeted with a smile. "Come in, come in."

Rhythm smiled. "I appreciate you watching Galvatron."

Her sparkling isn't hers, but she found her one night abandoned in a dumpster. She took the purple and black sparkling to a medic; the medic says he was just born and that he is in good health. She could have left the sparkling, though the sparkling would be put in an orphanage, and she didn't know what would happen to him since he is half Decepticon and half Autobot. So, she adopted him, giving him the designation of Galvatron.

"How many times dear that I got to tell you that Jumpkick and I enjoy watching the sparkling?" Celeste smiled, waving off her appreciation. She closed the door and led Rhythm towards her sparkling. "Haven't had a sparkling in the family for a while. I miss the days where my creations and grand-creations were sparklings. They grow too fast."

"I hope time goes by slow," Rhythm chuckled. She went into the living room where her son was in a sparkling swing, Galvatron chirped happily when he saw her. "Hi, sweetspark." She picked him up.

"How did it go today?"

"Well, I'm still in the Academy, just on leave. I'll be doing double duty when I get back. Same as Sentinel."


Rhythm hesitated. "The idiot took the heat for Sentinel. Ultra Magnus took him out of the Academy."

She planned on talking to Ultra Magnus tomorrow to try to get Optimus back in. There was absolutely no way she was going to do nothing; she wasn't going to continue on their dream when one of them is out of it. She will tell Ultra Magnus to reconsider throwing Optimus out, Sentinel deserves the heat besides he did threaten her sparkling.

"Sentinel was the Captain," was all Rhythm said.

"Talk to Ultra Magnus," Celeste said. "He is a reasonable mech, he'll listen to what you got to say."

Rhythm let out a sigh. First, she needs to find Optimus to see how he is doing, then think about how she was going to go with meeting Ultra Magnus and having the conversation. She wasn't going to tell her Creators that Sentinel threatened to tell the Magnus about her son being Decepticon descent, but hey, if he was threaentening her sparkling then she was going to threaten him.

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