"When are you coming home?" Rhythm's Carrier asked her over the video chat, sitting beside her Sire. "I miss my daughter and grand-creation."

Rhythm chuckled as she shifted Galvatron in her arms. She was chatting with her Creators, they had gotten off early in the morning and they ended giving her a call, wanting to know how her and Optimus were doing after Elita's death and when she was going to make a trip home. "You know," she smirked, "if Bluestreak gets a bondmate and have a creation of his own, it be easier for you to spoil."

Her Carrier narrowed his optics at her. "I wanna spoil the one I have now."

Rhythm chuckled. "Well, I got something to do Thursday, so I might pop out after."

She had debated with herself if she wanted to go back to Praxus or not, she wasn't going to tell her Creators anything about the other cycle nor that she was going out to dinner with the Magnus, but going home could do her some good. It could also do Optimus some good to go see his Creators as well.

"We know that what you're going through is a lot," her Sire started, "but we just want to make sure you are doing okay."

Rhythm sighed. She sat up straighter, her doorwings stood professionally behind her. "Senior Enforcer Prowl and Senior Enforcer Jazz, I would like to inform you that your daughter, Rhythm, is doing alright."

Her Creators gave her a blank look. She remembered when her and Bluestreak were younger, they would call their Creators by their designation just to annoy them when they were bored which always ended up with their Creators scolding them.

"It's Sire and Carrier to you," her Sire said. "And to Bluestreak."

Rhythm chuckled. "I swear I am okay." She gave her Creators a reassuring smile, even though she has a lot on her processor. Going out to dinner with the Magnus to try to get Optimus to stay in while beating around the frame with Sentinel after he dared to threaten Galvy. "Try to get some recharge."

Her Creators looked at each other before nodding. "We will. We love the both of you."

Rhythm shifted Galvatron so he was facing the video chat. Of course, the sparkling let out a few angry chirps as she shifted him, letting her know that he didn't appreciate moving out of his comfortable position in her arms, though he cooed at his Grand-Creators. "We love the both of you,too."

When the video was disconnected, Rhythm shifted Galvatron back into her arms. Looking down at the adorable sparkling, she asked, "Should we take a trip to Praxus?"


Optimus had left the apartment before Rhythm and Galvatron woke up. He went out to go on a drive before going to the archives to read about history, just to past the time. He appreciates Rhythm trying to do her best for him to keep his position or just to even keep him in the Elite, if she couldn't, at least, she tried.

Anyways, Thursday is tomorrow, and they will have to see what Magnus says at the dinner and Rhythm coming home to tell him the good or the bad news. Rhythm had mentioned that if Magnus couldn't do nothing, she would step down and offer Optimus her position; she also added that the mishap that happened with the four that sadly claimed Elita, did make her worry if that was her, what would happen to Galvatron. Optimus would gladly take him, so would Bluestreak or her Creators. Funny, two fractions on Cybertron had a temporary treaty for peace between them but it was hard for society to accept each other. More so Autobots- mostly the elders- trying to accept the Decepticons as equals was tough, which-

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