That's Nothing I Had to Remember

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New Orleans ~ Rousseau's

Josie was sat at a table in the bar, an untouched drink in her hand as she looked around. Just then, Freya Mikaelson and Daniel Salvatore walked into the bar and Daniel looked at Josie confused. "And how old are you claiming to be?" Freya asked. "21." Josie said. Daniel gave her a look. "Ish." Josie added on. Daniel laughed quietly. He sat opposite his niece. "Relax. It's called "the Big Easy" for a reason." Daniel said. Josie sighed in relief. "You won't tell my dad?" Josie asked. Daniel shook his head. "No. Don't worry." Daniel said to his niece. Josie nodded. Freya sat down next to Daniel. "I'm Freya. I hear you've been asking around the Quarter for me and Daniel." Freya said.

"I'm Josie. I'm a student at the Salvatore School. Mystic Falls?" Josie said. "Yeah, I've heard of it. My wife's got an eye on it for our son." Freya said. "I've told you. I can get him in." Daniel said. "I kind of need your help. There's this spell that I'm kind of trying to reverse engineer." Josie said. Freya started to stand up. "I'm sure one of your teachers can help you with that." Freya said. "An ancient Japanese black magic purge spell?" Josie asked. Daniel looked at her shocked. "What trouble have you got into? Those aren't the kind of spells school kids should be messing with. You should go home." Daniel said.

Daniel then stood up and started walking away with Freya. "Wait. You have photos in your home of someone you don't recognize." Josie said. Daniel and Freya stopped. They exchanged a look. "Feels like you should know them, but you don't?" Josie guessed. "How did you know that?" Freya asked. "We've all forgotten people. It doesn't matter what I say. The spell that I need is the only way that you're gonna remember for yourselves." Josie said. Daniel then thought about the mysterious auburn girl who was in most of the photos with Aaron. "Fine. But promise me this is the last time you use black magic." Daniel said. Josie nodded. "I promise." Josie said. Daniel nodded.

Mystic Falls ~ Salvatore Boarding School

Kaleb was showing his sister, Kym, around the school. "All right, now, on to our tour's final and most important stop the front door. Use it to get back to your hotel. Love you." Kaleb said. "Quit playing. I came up for Commonwealth Day." Kym said. She then sighed. "Now show me the cool stuff." Kym said. "This is school. There's nothing cool to see." Kaleb said. "It's a school for vampires, witches and werewolves, so there's no way I'm leaving without seeing something Harry Potter." Kym said. "Kym?" Kaleb asked. "Mm-hmm." Kym hummed. "For the last time, there is nothing to see." Kaleb said.

Just then, a body wad flung through the front doors. Students started shrieking and running away. The body stood up and was revealed to be a zombie. MG sped in and pushed the zombie back down. Lizzie and Aaron then walked in. Aaron used his magic to close the doors behind them. Lizzie siphoned from Kaleb. "Incendia." Lizzie chanted and the zombie was set on fire. "Lizzie, we have to trap it so Malivore can't send another monster. Incinerating it kind of defeats the purpose?" MG said. Aaron sighed. "Glacies corporis." Aaron chanted. The flames on the zombie died away. "You were saying?" Kym asked Kaleb. The zombie fell to the ground.

Later ~ Town Square

Students from Mystic Falls High School were helping set up booths for Commonwealth Day. Hope and Ethan were setting up a booth when Hope got a paper cut. "Ow!" Hope said. She then sighed. "I have done that, like, five times. Is it possible to die from a paper cut?" Hope said. "Careful. That's the best arm in town now." Ethan said and Hope laughed. "Let me see." Ethan said. He grabbed her hand and looked at the cut. "Yeah. It's fatal." Ethan said jokingly. Hope smiled mockingly. Just then, a man called out to them. "Hey, you two, quit slacking. Tomorrow's festivities will not be thrown off by hormonal teenagers." The man said.

"Sure thing, Councilman." Ethan said as the man walked away. "Ruined by an old, white guy politician, though? Totally plausible." Ethan said and Hope laughed. "How did that guy win an election?" Ethan asked. "Democracy isn't what it used to be." Hope said. Ethan smiled and picked up his bag. "Hey, I got to head to practice." Ethan said. "But you're hurt." Hope said. "I can still help the team win." Ethan said. "Gotcha. See you after?" Hope asked. "Not unless you're coming to physical therapy with me. My life's a real party these days." Ethan said. Hope laughed.

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