Chapter One

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Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

His eyes shot open, his SOUL racing at the sound of his alarm. Dream quickly realized what the ringing of his alarm meant, and abruptly pulled his covers over his face. Sluggishly, he raised his arm to silence the alarm, groaning quietly.

"Dream! Get up, you're going to be late for school," He heard his mother's consistent knocking on his door, and shuffled out of bed.

Dream walked over to his closet and pulled out the school uniform. It consisted of a white button down, navy slacks, and black loafers. Additionally, a student could wear a sweater vest or if you wanted to, a skirt. He begrudgingly put the outfit on, and walked into the kitchen.

There, he saw his brother, Nightmare, facing the opposite way. Dream let out a small exhale, before smiling and heading towards him.

"Hi Nighty...mare," Dream's throat closed at the piercing glare that was sent his way, "Nightmare."

His brother just rolled his eyes and looked away, either ignoring or not seeing the flash of hurt that had etched its way onto Dream's face. Dream had no clue as to why his brother was like this, before high school, they were the closest friends that they had. Dream went out of his way to stop Nightmare's bullies, but all that did was turn him away.

Sighing, he reached into the fridge and grabbed a leftover cinnabun that he had made the day before. Ever since his mother entered him into a baking class, Dream began to stress bake.

"Dream! Come here for a minute, won't you?" Speaking of his mother, she called him over.

Dream glanced up at his mother. Nim was often seen as intimidatingly beautiful, and with her sharp features, he was inclined to agree. "Yes, Mother?"

Nim reached her hand out to place it on his cheekbones, "Remember, you are going to run for student council president, okay? And you are going to win,"

Her hand tightened slightly on his face, causing Dream to wince. He still nodded, which caused Nim's face to flash with an emotion that even he couldn't quite tell what it was. Dream could guess it wasn't amazing for him though.

"Answer with words, my son," Nim lifted his face slightly, her void eyes staring deep into his sockets.

"...Of course, Mother,"

Dream was let go, and he quickly walked away. He noticed Nightmare staring at the whole exchange, but when he tried to speak, Nightmare glared at him and turned on his phone.

"I'm taking the car," Nightmare grabs the keys without a glance at his brother, who looks at him with longing in his eyelights.

Dream just wants his brother back.

But, Dream says nothing. He cheerfully says goodbye to his family, and heads out onto the street, walking over to his friend's.

Dream's smile widened at the eccentric yard of his friend's house. The yard was covered still in Gyftmas lights, there were gnomes everywhere, and bunches of flowers scattered around. He rang the doorbell, and waited as he heard the shuffled footsteps were at the door.

The door swung open to reveal Stretch, Blue's little brother. Stretch smiled tiredly at him, before calling for Blue.

"Hey bro! Your friend is here!" Moments later, Blue came crashing down the stairs. He whipped his backpack over his shoulder and stepped through the doorway.

"Dream!" Blue exclaimed happily, before hugging him gently. Dream giggled and hugged back tightly. All three of them walked down to Blue's car and got in. As Blue pressed the ignition button, Stretch started yapping about his coolest friend, and how she bakes really well and gives him sweets.

"Sounds like a great friend, Stretch," Dream smiles at him, and pats his head.

"I'm going to drop you off first, okay Stretchie?" Blue looks at him through the car mirror, before pulling out of the driveway. Stretch nods, and Dream connects his phone to the AUX. He puts on the playlist he made for when children are in the car, stifling his laughter when Stretch starts to sing along to the Frozen soundtrack.

Blue pulls into the elementary school that Stretch goes to, and gets out of the car as Stretch does, before hugging his brother tightly. Dream watches as Blue murmurs some words of affirmation, with misty eye sockets.

Seeing the two Swap brothers together reminded him of his and Nightmare's old relationship. Before Nightmare stopped talking to him, and everything was good.

Blue got back into the car, and drove off. "Ink and Lust are going to meet us at school, as they live in walking distance,"

Dream laughed when Blue's cheeks turns the slightest amount of cyan when he mentioned Lust. "How long have you guys liked each other again?"

The car lurched as Blue slammed the breaks, his face steadily getting more and more blue. "Dream!" He whined, his eyelights growing wobbly. Dream just laughed.

"Hey, Dream..." Blue suddenly said, the mood quickly growing somber, "is your mom giving you any trouble? I mean, she just pushes you so hard..."

Dream straightened his back at the talk of his mother. He sighed at Blue, before looking down.

"You know? I have absolutely no fucking clue,"

The rest of the ride was silent, the only sound being the Frozen soundtrack that Dream forgot to turn off. They quickly had made it to the school, and Blue turned off his car, making sure to use the parking break.

They both walked through the cold wind, before making it to the doors of the building. Dream's eyes scanned the building for Ink or Lust, but had no luck finding them.

At least he had no luck finding them.



thats the first chapter lol

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