I dont have to..?

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Sometimes, I question wether it was a good idea to get involved with Blakk. Other times, I wish that I did so in every possible universe. Today, was the first one. One nightmare threw off my entire mindset, and I hated it. It was about my slugs, the cute and kind and caring ones, before they were ghouled, becoming hostile and attacking me. They hated me for ghouling them, and I truly believed it, I thought my slugs hated me for ghouling them. I wouldn't blame them to be honest. So now here I am, sat awake in bed, feeling guilty. But I can't think about the nightmare now, I need to get ready and try to deal with the Shane gang. I need to help Blakk, like he did with me over a year ago.

Vivian was just casually walking through the street while some henchmen were nearby causing chaos when suddenly, a slug was fired at her. She dodged and turned to face her attacker, and it was Eli. "Some déjà vu, huh?" Vivian said. "Yea, you cause chaos and me and my friends stop you." Eli responded. "Now you're gonna ask me to toss my blaster or whatever and you're gonna lock me up in prison or something. Boring!" Vivian said, rolling her eyes. She stared Eli down and put her blaster to her shoulder. Her nightgeist hopped in and she couldn't help but think about her nightmare. Eli noticed the pause and took advantage of it, shooting her with a tormato and sending her flying into a wall. She groaned in pain and slowly got up. "Seems you're distracted today, is Blakk realizing you're not as reliable as you seem?" Eli said. Vivian, filled with rage, immediately tried to blast him, to which he easily dodged. "Don't you dare say I'm weak when I beat you last time we fought 1 on 1!" She angrily yelled at him. She fired a frostfang at him and froze his legs in place. She approached him and loaded up an amperling. She pointed the blaster at him but was hit my a rammstone before she could fire. She looked up to see the rest of the Shane gang there, she couldn't get up and knew she had no chance of getting away, so she made the choice to let her slugs run home and try to get help. "Go get help, get Twist..." She murmured to her nightgeist. It nodded and ran off as the Shane gang approached after freeing Eli. "So, you gonna throw me in prison to rot?" She asked while glaring at all of them. "Not exactly, now come on." Eli said. Vivian struggled to get up before Eli helped her up. She grumbled under her breath as she was escorted away. She carefully planned out her next move, preparing to enact it. She quickly kicked Pronto, punched Trixie, dodged a hit from Kord, and grabbed Eli's wrist, twisting it so much he dropped his blaster. She caught it and aimed it right at his gut, ready to fire. "Anyone make a sudden move, and I'll shoot him." She said sternly. No one moved. "Now, give me my blaster, and let me leave. Then you all can fix whatever damage me and my henchmen have caused." She said. Trixie tossed the blaster at Vivian's feet, and Vivian quickly grabbed it. In that moment, Eli kicked her in the side, knocking her back down to the ground. Vivian grabbed the side of her ribs, trying to properly breathe. She ended up passing out from the combo of stress and her ribs being seriously hurt.

When she woke up, she was in a prison cell alone. She tried to sit up but couldn't cause of her ribs. She lifted her shirt a bit to check the damage, there was a giant bruise but luckily nothing worse. She tried to sit up again and was successful this time, just then, Eli walked in. "So, why not keep me somewhere more secure? I'm 'oh so dangerous' after all." She asked with a bit of sarcasm. Eli ignored the question and tossed her some bandages through the bars. "Sorry for kicking you." He said. Vivian scoffed. "You're so soft that you won against me and are apologizing. How disgustingly heroic." She said as she caught the bandages. "I'll talk with you later, bandage yourself up and relax. It probably won't be a nice talk." Eli said as he walked away. As soon as he left, Vivian stood up and started bandaging herself up. Once she was done, she sat back down and wandered her mind. She was just thinking about random things when she remembered her nightmare. 'If I wasn't distracted by it, the I could've easily won against him..!' Vivian scolded herself. She went to punch the wall in rage but quickly stopped herself. 'Can't waste energy like that, I gotta save it to break out...' The thought of breaking out reminded her of something. She tapped her belt twice and went back to relaxing. 'I hope my nightgeist got to Twist, if not, then that'll signal Blakk I've been captured.' She thought. Just then, Eli and the rest of the Shane gang came in the room. Vivian glared at them and sat up straight. "So, you got your whole group here just to question me? I should've guessed." She said with a cocky grin. She leaned back against the wall, not caring how she looked to them. "I wouldn't be grinning like that if I were in your position bro." Kord said. Vivian shrugged. "Blakk will notice I'm gone and figure out where I am. I won't be here forever." She said.

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