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"Blakk, you wanted to see me?" Vivian asked. She fidgeted a bit with her sleeves, usually she wasn't called in his office unless he had a new assignment for her, but she was already stressed with one as is. "Yes, there's a new issue, a Shane and his little group are causing me problems. I want you to deal with them, and don't worry, you can pause your current mission to focus on this one." He said. Vivian nodded and walked away, but before she left, Blakk spoke, "You've always been the most reliable, don't ruin that reputation like some others before you." She gave a quick glance back at him and nodded before walking out.

'So a new Shane is around, guess I'll have to be the one to deal with him.' She thought to herself, grabbing her gear. She picked up her blaster and spun it around a few times before putting it on her belt. She grabbed her ghouls and left to hunt down the Shane gang. She had been walking for awhile, interrogating people to see if she could track them down. Now she was just walking along a street, minding her business when she heard a slug fired at her. She quickly spun to the side and hid around the corner of a building. "Whoever just fired a slug at me will regret it." She hissed, loading up her nightgeist and readying a frostfang next. "You can't really do that when you're now cornered in a dead end." She heard someone yell out to her. She looked around and sure enough, the alleyway was a dead end. But she realized something, the voice was that of Eli Shane, the one she was looking for. "Now, come out with your hands up and toss your blaster." She tossed her blaster then slowly emerged from the alleyway. Eli was taken a back for a second, she was the one so feared by everyone, a girl about his age. "Yes yes, I am Vivian, the one Dr.Blakk can always go to if something is needed to be done, the one feared by all of you heroic people." She said with an exaggerated tone. Eli shook off his moment of shock and focused again. "I wonder, where are your friends? Did they all ditch you because they finally realized how foolish you are?" She said. "No, they're off stopping more of your 'friends' nearby." He responded. "Hm, curious." Is all she said. She glanced towards her blaster, seeing the nightgeist ready to be fired. She quickly rolled to it and shot at Eli. It hit him and Vivian walked up to him. "My nightgeists effects will last a lot longer than the one Nacho had, have fun!" She said as she walked off while the nightgeist was scaring Eli. Once he ran away her nightgeist came back to her and she took off.

"Blakk, I found Eli, but he caught me off guard, I'm sorry I failed you." Vivian said, her head down in shame. "You didn't fail me, you've just proven that even caught off guard, you can still get away from the Shane gang. You always continue to impress me with your skills." He responded. She jolted her head up to face him in shock. "Th-thank you Blakk, I won't let you down." She said, leaving his office.

"Yes Blakk?" Vivian asked while walking into his office. "You're needed for a mission, here's all the info you need." He said, handing her a tablet. She gave a quick glance through and nodded. "I'll fully read through this in a minute, but who's this 'Twist' person?" She asked with a bit of confusion. "He's a new associate, you'll meet him the day before the mission." Blakk responded. Vivian nodded her head and left. When she got to her quarters, she read through the whole plan. 'So, Twist has infiltrated the Shane gang, and are planning to steal what they think will be Blakk's whole supply of dark water, but me, Nacho, and some lowly henchmen will be in there instead. Seems like a pretty solid plan. Tomorrow I meet Twist, I wonder what the kid is like.'

"Ah, I'm assuming you're Twist." Vivian said as a kid with blonde hair walked in. "Yea thats me, who are you?" He responded. Vivian only gave him a quick glance. "Vivian, one of Dr.Blakk's most trusted slingers, and the most feared by the heroes" She said while typing. "Oh, sorry, I didn't think a kid my age would be the Vivian." He said, nervous. "It's okay, I use that fact to my advantage a lot actually." With that, Twist calmed down a bit. Vivian got up from her chair and took a proper look at Twist. "Hm, a fellow street kid, huh?" She said with a spark of interest. "How did you-?"

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