rise of the great devourer

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I see the ninja showed up.They say "Pythor took them." I was silent for a few minutes until Lloyd says " Y/n.Midnight is missing." I was processing what they all said.I look to Lloyd and say " Lloyd.The lost city of ouroboros." I get the best fighters to get on their motorbikes and dragons then we leave to the lost city.I freed Nya and gave her to the ninja.

We see a snake train.I fly to the front to see Midnight tied and and the fang blades.I go back and tell them where she is.We attack the snake train/bus.I see the ninja and Wu behind us.The snakes fight back so we blast at the snake's blasters.Teh fighters attack the snakes that get off the snakes bus/train.The dragon riders try get me close on the snake bus/train.I get on with the ninja attacking the snakes that stand in my way.Kai and the others try stop me but it was to late my eyes went a dark red and dark purple colour as I turned into a serpentine with dragon horns and wings.The snakes grab me but I use spinjizu to throw them out.I look abit weaker.We get to the front.Wu tries to separate him from us but I managed to jump onto the part he is on.We see the ninja questioning us so I say "My destiny is to get Midnight and his destiny is to fight Pythor alone." We walk in.Wu and Pythor fight as I try help Wu.I get knocked back and get knocked out.

We get to City of Ouroboros.Pythor grabs Midnight and gets her ready.I wake up and go after Midnight before the great devourer gets freed.It was to late when I got to Midnight I could see she was weaker.I see he is back...the great devourer has returned.He eats Wu and Pythor then looks to me.I protect Midnight from him bit I could hear him say in devourer" I won't hurt my decendants.I don't hurt devourers.I sense you are one of us." I nod at him then he leaves.I turn to Midnight and help her up.I see Shadow appear so I hand him Midnight.He then says in devourer " Tell our masters that he has returned." I nod then leave with Tornada who was with Shadow.I say " protect Lloyd plz." He smile and says "I will." I leave.

Evil Lloyd X His Helper Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now