Chapter 1

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It seems years later since that happened but it had been only two years since there had been big changes. My parents had officially divorced after years of cheating on each other, and now Jacob, the only friend I've had since sixth grade, was legally blind on both eyes. His brother, who was his only brother, died in the car accident, the same accident which made Jacob lose his vision. Grief stricken, he couldn't bear to open up about the accident anymore. He has become very distant and depressed. "Hey Jacob!" I called one day outside of school. He trudged slowly towads me and touched my shoulder. His walking stick poked around on the soft grass. He slowly smiled a dim smile at me and replied," Good morning, Claire." Polite as he always was, we discussed briefly about our upcoming tests. Never did he mention about his life. Who was this soul in my friend's body? His glazed grey eyes were unreadable as he looked straightforward and wondered off.


That same day I was thinking about Jacob when I heard laughter behind me. "Look it's the blind guy's wh***!" A voice called. I quickly turned around to find myself face-to-face with Adriana and her clique. Adriana had been my friend ages ago when she first moved from Yorkshire but as we started moving away from each other, she turned her back on me to be with the "popular" kids. Her cascading brunette hair rippled in the slight wind as she scanned me, smirking,"Aww poor baby, where's your blind rat? Huh, Claire?" She spat. Adriana grabbed my maroon shirt and threw me down on the pavement. "Come on, girls. We've got business to take care of." Each girl passed by and glared at me while they stomped on my things. "Hey, you okay?" A hand reached out to me from nowhere. I was hoping it would be Jacob but it wasn't. "What are you doing here, Mark?" I asked as he helped me up. "Rescuing you, duh." He grinned, exposing two tiny dimples on his cheek. He was pretty handsome with a fair complexion, smoldering caramel eyes, and silky blonde hair. There was an awkward silence before I gathered my books and waved good-bye. I suddenly sensed someone watching me. I turned around to see who it was but no one was there.

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