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Y/N= your name
F/N= friend name
K/N= kingdom name
N/N= nickname
V/N= village name


Y/N had just woke up and decided they needed their day to be... extraordinary.

Y/N: "Hey! F/N! Over here!" they called out to their smithy friend from the kingdom.

F/N: "N/N! Hello! You said you needed to talk to me about something right?" their friend asked already wondering what shenanigans Y/N would be up to this time...

Y/N: "That is correct! I wanted to tell you as soon as possible!" they said pulling out a map from their bag, "you see this map? I will finally be making use of it F/N!"

F/N: "so.... that means?..."

Y/N: "Yes it does my dear friend!"

F/N: "EEEE! I'm so happy you're going on an adventure! It has been your dream to be a traveller just like your father for a while now, and you're finally taking a step forward to it!" they say hugging their friend, "Say... do you have a weapon yet?" they added, Y/N replied to that with a nervous chuckle, "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go to my smithy and make a weapon for you! After all, a traveller is always prepared" they say putting their hands on their waist proudly, "Come on N/N!" they say already leading the way to the smithy.

Y/N: "Hey! F/N, wait for me!!!!" they say trying to catch up to their friend.


Days later...

F/N had helped Y/N plan out their travel, where they would be headed after leaving K/N kingdom, the first ancient kingdom they would visit, and so on...

F/N: "okay, we got everything planned right?" they asked taking their task paper and marking the stuff they had already planned out as their friend looked at it over their shoulder.

Y/N: "Oh! We still didn't plan where i'm staying at after I leave the kingdom" they said finding the paper they had all the plans written in, in order of events, the first one was still empty, "what is the closest village from here F/N?" they asked their friend who got up from their seat and walked over to them to have a look on the list, right after, they took the map in hands and looked for the closest village...

F/N: "the closest from here, and that has an inn for you to rest in for the night is the V/N village! I heard that theres a Bakery that has really good Hearty Ryes and many other baked goods" they said already imagining all of the delicious pastries from the bakery.

Y/N: "Wow F/N, you think about food alot heheh" they said as their friend looked at them, a pink tint across their face (they're just embaressed, they don't have a crush on Y/N).

F/N: "Y/N! Don't you act like you don't like food so much to the point you are constantly walking around your house checking in the same spot every 5 seconds just looking for food" they said as they looked away and pouted.

(imma be completely honest, I search for food in the same spot every 5 seconds as well, it became a habit to walk around the house and search for food ;w;)

Y/N: "Wha- Hey! No I don't!"

F/N: "..."

Y/N: "..."

Y/N: "okay... maybe I do... ,-," they said in defeat, sighing as their friend simply replied with a "HAH!".

End of prologue...

"My Darling will Submit to Me" (Affogato x Reader) /on a hiatus/Where stories live. Discover now