AFO terror

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As a portal opens AFO steps out of it and everyone was terrified and all hero's came to the defensive front ready to fight him.

AFO: oh please do not be alarmed I'm here to give you a shocking confession about 2 hero's who did something a few years ago that's came to this point.

Aizawa: what do you mean by that?

AFO: well for starters there's a boy that belongs to a pair of hero's *pints directly to Izuku who is holding Eri and everyone looks at him* the thing is that everyone calls him the school shanker right but what's his story behind it.

Inko: he was being ungrateful because people wanted to help him out considering he was quirkless.

AFO: that's where your wrong you see Izuku Midoriya well former Midoriya was bullied and picked on from Aldera high because he was "quirkless" and guess who gave him the idea of shanking that boy there "points at Katuski who is shaking" that's right it was me I gave Izuku the idea to shank the people who who bullied him and those who did him wrong.

As AFO shows everyone that Izuku got bullied and the teachers didn't care not one bit and also shows that both Inko and Hisashi was abusing him at home not giving him nothing to eat almost everyone started crying including momo even tho she knew the story already even Eri  got up and hugged Izuku telling  him that it's ok she's here for him. The hero's who took charge of arresting Izuku was in shambles that they didn't even know that Inko Hisashi and everyone was behind it all and that it led to Izuku going crazy.

AFO: also there's one girl who was willing to listen to his whole story and never asked if he's telling the truth and that's Momo Yaoyurzu she visits him everyday and she's not even scared of him she even believed in the boy I'm surprised that she didn't have him commit to being a hero.

As everyone saw Momo who covered her face that she did something buy remember what his ex family did.

Momo: it's a shame that you call yourself a hero but can't even protect him what type of hero's does that then have the audacity to brand them as well all because you want your position in rankings it's not hard to help out the quirkless.



As they realized what he said everyone had gasped at what they said.

AFO:  and that's not all remember there was a hero who had multiple quirks well yea that's me and guess what  I'm the one who took Izukus quirk to see if they'll change and they never did all the news they did was all fake they never really loved this boy they hated them just as Hisashi proves they deserve to die but I didn't trust me when I say this I never wanted Izuku life to be like this but I planned this all out and Izuku *looks at him who Izuku got his mask off and crying that his ex parents are dicks* trust me when I told you this I never wanted you to be quirkless actually your quirk was the strongest of all you had a earth element quirk where all matters of the earth cannot touched you and here *sends a drill towards him who got ready to dodge it but didn't know he gave him his quirk back* *takes mask off and sheds a tear* I'm sorry that I used you but if anyone I wanted you to see society as it was no one cares for the quirkless unless they really meant it that girl showed that not everyone is the same you  earned it.

Izuku: what about that guy who broke me out.

AFO: that was me I sent my assassin to brake you out you are too young to go to prison to begin with I even erased the crime you did if you want to be a hero be it I'm not gonna hold you any longer and I only did it to get your parents back.

Izuku: I'm glad you did they are nothing but dumbass.

As Izuku walks off with Eri and Momo left with Nezu agreeing for her to go so she can cheer Izuku up.

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