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June 18
Maddie and Jenna were in my trailer while I was still getting my makeup done. It's almost done, usually I have light make up but today were filming a cheerleading scene where they all have matching makeup.

"Hey guys do you know what we haven't done?" Jenna said "what?" Me and Maddie both asked in sync "a movie night with the whole cast or like a cast sleepover" she suggested "oh my gosh yeah we should totally do that" Maddie accepted "yeah it'll be fun" I added "we should do it-" Jenna got interrupted by the knocking from the door "I'll get it my makeup is done" I said as I got up.

"Heyy" Rylie and Shay both came in and I could see Louis and Jaeden coming closer to my trailer "why is it always my trailer that we go to again?" I ask "to be honest I don't know" Jenna confessed  "yeah we kinda just started coming here and now it's a routine" Shay chuckled as the two girl came in "hello" the two boys said walking up the small steps to come into the trailer "hi Jae, hey you" I said as I welcomed them in.

"We were talking about having a cast movie night and sleepover before we got interrupted" Jenna joked "Yeah wait where are we doing it?" I asked "how about my-" "No- I mean my apartment is closer to set so we could do it there" Maddie interrupted Jenna "yeah sure..if you insist..." Jenna told her as she stood proudly me and Jenna both looked at each other with a confused face.

"Will it just be us or more people?" Rylie asked "we'll invite Malina and Bella as well" I replied. I'm good friends with everyone in the cast and we all get along but I'm just not as close with the rest of the cast. I hear another knock on the door "oh my god who is it now" I got up to get the door "NOAH!!" I said "I thought you were coming tomorrow??" I questioned as I pulled him for a hug "yeah I thought so to but I guess not" he replied as we both let go "So how was the premiere" I asked with my hands on his shoulders. He went to LA for 'The Stars' premiere "It was good" he answered then I remembered we were still outside the trailer "oh I'm sorry come on in."


time jump to the next day ~ Maddie's house
Everyone was here besides Jaeden and Bella since they had to stay a bit later on set today. "So what movie should we watch" Maddie said as she joined us in the couch after getting a few snacks "SPIDER-MAN" "IT" "HOME ALONE" "SPIDER MAN HOMECOMING" "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL" "SCREAM" "THE NOTEBOOK" we all suggested "yeah how about we just take this one step at a time"I joked as the doorbell rang "I'll get it" I assured

After about 15 minutes of fighting we were still stuck between Spider-Man homecoming, It, the notebook and somehow added 10 things I hate about you in the mix. Yeah not much progress. "Okay let's take a few minutes to think and play a game...how about truth or dare" Jenna suggested as we all agreed

"Okay Violet Truth or Dare" Rylie asked "Truth" I replied "do you...have a crush?" She asked. I looked down from embarrassment "so that's a yes..." Melina smirked as she shoved me a bit "I don't not have one I guess" I said as they all went literally insane. "OMG WHO" "GIVE US A HINT" "TELL US" "I WANNA KNOW" "okay fine I'll give you one tiny hint and that's it you'll leave me alone and never talk about this again okay" I told them as the all agreed excitedly "his name has an O in it" I said "OOOOO" "okay okay isn't it about time we watch a movie?" I asked
- a m o u r -
We all agreed on 10 things I hate about you and after that watch Spider-Man homecoming since they all insisted on watching younger me.
"OH MY GOD LITERALLY GET YOURSELF A GUY WHO WOULD DO THIS. LIKE LITERALLY THIS IS WHY MY STANDARDS ARE SO HIGH" I said, the movie was on the part where Patrick sings to Kat. My favorite part.

Louis POV-
I don't know why but when Violet said she had a crush I felt so I don't know angry? Jealous? And then I realized....what if it's Noah. She's been really touch with him recently plus he has an O in his name ugh he gets on my nerves. Oh my god. I like her. I have to tell her but I can't she's going to reject me since she probably likes Noah. But it's now or never.

Back to Violet's POV-
"OMG THIS IS MY FAVORITE SCENE AMY IS AN ICON" Jenna said as everyone agreed. I was getting tired halfway through the second movie so I put my head on Louis shoulder for just one second.

3rd POV-
"AWW LOOK AT THEM" Jenna realized Violet and Louis were both sleeping on the couch, Violet was laying on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around Violet's  shoulder "I have to take a picture of this" she said as she quickly snapped a picture of the two. They all looked at the in awe except for Maddie.

Violets pov-
Me and louis both woke up by the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen and soon we realized we were cuddled up and quickly moved away "Bro it's so early why are they making so much noise" I stated trying to distract both of us "I'm going to go see what's going on" I said as Louis followed

"What's going on?" I asked "hey you two" they all smiled "hey?" We both said "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO SHOW YOU. YOU GUYS LOOKED SO CUTE IN THIS PICTURE" Jenna said shoving her phone in front of our faces "is that-" I asked "yup" she said "you guys are literally so cute" she added as I felt embarrassment. Why would I do that? He probably feels so uncomfortable? Oh my god. What if he knows I like him? Why did I even give them a hint.

I don't know if I pissed Maddie off or something but she's just not herself recently and has been giving me the cold shoulder.



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