Chapter 1 The Introduction

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A young man galloped on a horse on a mission. His father and many kings had sent him to a mission to find the land of King Serpent which was experiencing a conflict in the south with the starving peasants. These peasants were tired of being treated unfairly. They wanted food and actual jobs that could help them support their families. So young knight who was widely known and favored throughout the land set off to find a way to end this conflict.
This young knight's name was Sir Tristan he was a young, strong, and handsome man. Once he had made it to the South many of the peasants looked like walking zombies, thin to the bone and growling. The sight made Tristan sick to the stomach even he knew that this treatment was wrong. So he continued on his horse, traveling towards the head of the crowd which was against the gates of the Serpent palace.
"This isn't fair! We Deserve rights!!" people chanted in the gates of the kingdom the knights trying to hold back the crowd until Tristan arrived in front of the crowd.
"People of Serpent's land, my name is Tristan and I am here to help you. I come from the land Detania and my father will supply you all with free food and water if you may stay here and starve or head east to the kingdom of Laputa" He pointed to the East and watched as every man, woman, and child left the gates. When these people left the castle gates. They ran to the east desperately. They wanted peace but more importantly, a kingdom that will be kind to them. It took hours for these these people to pack up and leave and by the time they were ready. It was already high noon.
The gates opened and a tall man dressed in fancy clothing walked out "Tristan is it?" the man approached, he had dark black hair with a snare sure enough to send someone running but Tristan was not afriad "That is me..." He looked at the man and then realized that the man he was looking at was King Serpent. "Good," he said then started to walk back into the gates "Then follow me." Tristan questioned this man but soon enough he went threw the gates into Serpent castle....

They sat in a gigantic ballroom Serpent sat in the middle of it all "Where are you from?" He asked in a very sarcastic tone. "I am from Laputa, a kingdom to the east. I am son of King Wielder." Tristan looked at Serpent he looked very young for a king and those eyes seem to hold a mystery behind them. He then realized when Serpent looked up his eyes were red as blood. Serpent got up "Good my boy you have permission to date my daughter" he got up and addressed his servants to get his daughter. Tristan befuddled, looked at him and said "wait what?" Serpent laughed "That was all a test my boy" and began walked away but before he left then said "There shall be a grand celebration and your whole family shall be invited."
Tristan sat in the Guest Room thinking about what Serpent had said "It was all a test my boy" He shivered this can't be right he thought what if his daughter is ugly or what if this is a trap!" he shivered hoping that this princess would at least be beautiful and not be some evil trap to marry her or take over my kingdom. Thats enough he thought to ensure that this isnt a trap...but wait what if this is all a dream! He then slapped himself, but all he got was a bruised face and tears...."Great this is not a dream."
The servants then came to the door "Lord Serpent would like to see you now," they spoke in complete union. "Tell him i'll be there." I didn't want to be here but I knew my father would have told me, "Do it for your kingdom." So I stayed only because I knew that if there was a bond between these two kingdoms. Our alliance for war and peace would come to a end if I didn't marry or date Sir Serpent's daughter.
As I walked down the stairs into the grand ballroom I noticed that my Father and my sister had come. Anastasia as usual wore a light blue gown with some silky gloves, as for Father he was talking to Sir Serpent who was wearing exquisite clothing from what may be some far away land off the coast of Nexidia. As I began to walk over to my father two men yelled out "Introducing Angelica Serpent! The princess of this land!" This is it he thought this is the girl that i'm supposed to marry, I then wait to see this mysterious princess of this land.

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