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Preston's POV

Finally I'm out of that Ballroom those girls wouldn't let me breath i walk out of the Ballroom and into the garden for some air but i hear screams is someone hurt? i follow the sounds of the screams and it leads me to the pool wait isn't that Koreys sister what is she doing out here?

Kaiyas POV

"Are you all right?" some one asks from behind me

"If its my dad calling tell him I'm not coming same goes for my brothers so can you leave now jezz people these days cant seem to mind their business"

"That's harsh"

I look back and OMG its Preston Myers i spring up immediately "what what're you doing here" i ask

He looks down at my shoes and smiles  "nice shoes" he says

I slip my shoes underneath my dress, i turn back and sit down "what do you want?" i ask

"Well i actually wanted to get some air then i heard your screams here hey shouldn't you be in there with your brothers and Dad" he replies

"Why should?, i I'm sure they haven't even noticed I'm gone" yet i sigh he walks toward me and next thing i know he's sitting next to me

"Are you all right"  he asks

Wait wait hold up is Preston Myers talking to me

"Nothing I'm fine"

"Oh really what i saw wasn't okay" he says

"I'm fine now why don't you go back inside"

"Did you take that" he asks pointing to the Bottle of Tequila next to me

"No i didn't well i should've"

"Why?" he asks

"I don't know isn't that what depressed people do on TV but i couldn't because its bitter and i don't like bitter Stuff"

"So you're depressed"  he asks

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not"

"You wanna talk about it?" he asks dropping the bottle

'No i don't wanna what do you care anyway its best you go back inside and enjoy the party"

"If i didn't care i wouldn't be asking you besides i cant leave you out here alone you're depressed you might kill yourself and someone has to explain how you died"

I smirk and look up i take a deep breath and start talking "Right now my life's messed up its like everyone around me hates me even the universe is against me and I'm tired,

My mum died when i was five, my dad remarried a crazy lady my brothers rarely notice i exist i just found out that my boyfriend was two timing me with my arched nemesis and made a huge fool out of me at school  and to make matters worse my Best friend's  mad at me and i don't know what to do"

"As far as I've known myself nothing good has ever happened to me the universe hates me and I'm sick of it"

"Wow" he says "i don't even know what to say"

"Don't bother i wasn't expecting you to say anything"

"I'm sorry about your boyfriend he's a D**k for doing that to you"

"Two timing me you know what  two timing is a better way of putting things I'll rephrase he was using me to Qualify for the basketball finales"

"Ouch" he says

"Its beyond ouch" I bury my head back in between my knees "I feel so  worthless and stupid"

"Hey don't say that you're not worthless or stupid

Hi I'm Kaiya NancieWhere stories live. Discover now