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Kaiyas POV

School closed two weeks ago and I've been home ever since well till today. Today we are all going to Dubai and by we and all I mean Rainey, Chad, Teddy, Remi, Eve, Preston, Caesar and I we're going in Preston's fathers Private jet for Privacy and because Preston trusts no other Pilot

I'm in the car with Korey now who's driving me to the airport with Manfred

"You know you don't have to do this right"

"I know but I want too Kendall would've have done it but he had to do something" I roll my yes and look through the glass

We finally arrive the airport and surprisingly everyone's already there guess they were waiting. Korey parks next to the plane and the three of us alight the car

"Took you long enough" Rainey yells

"Sorry" I reply Helping Manfred take out my things

"I'm going to miss you dearly Miss" Manfred says handing me Caesar

"Manfred it's just a month I'll come back I'm not leaving forever" he replies

"I know but the Mansion will Never be the same without your company, I made you some cookies so you'd feel at home" he says and hands me the bag of cookies

"Thank you Manfred" I say and hug him"

"Take Care of yourself my dear" he says hugging me back

"Well and take care of the little virmin too" he says and points at Caesar

"I will" I say and smile

"I'll go make sure your luggage is taken Care of properly" he says and walks away

"Don't sleep with him" Korey says

"Excuse me" I say turning to face him

"Anything could happen on that trip and I Want you to be careful I still don't trust him so Please don't let him sleep with you"

"Jeez Korey it won't happen"

"Okay calm down" he says and laughs "Take care of yourself Kai" he says and pats my shoulders

"You too" I reply as I walk towards the others "Good morning"

"Morning" Preston replies standing behind me

"I'll take him" Remi says and takes Caesar from me "we're going to have so much fun" he says patting Caesar as he enters the plane Rainey and Eve follow

"Hey" Preston says facing me "you ready" he asks

"Yeah I am" I reply barely looking at him ever since the dance Preston and I haven't really been communicating well, its better to say things have been weird between us

"I'm so happy you both are together" Teddy says to us

"Both of you are just proof that dreams do come true to think she actually gave up loving you after those four year"

"What!" Preston Exclaim

Oh My God Teddy just killed me I shoot him a glare immediately

"Oh she hasn't told you, well I guess you'll have a lot to talk about" he says and enters the plane

WTF just happened I look at Preston who had this big stupid smile on his face

"So four year hun"


"Excuse me" Rainey says cutting off "both of you better get your asses in her now and stop delaying us" she yells

Preston and I enter the plane and unfortunately he's sitting next to me

Hi I'm Kaiya NancieWhere stories live. Discover now