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Today's the Dance guys and I'm super excited that I get to go I wonder how it's going to be like and best of all I won't be alone I'd have Preston with me. After that live session no one absolutely no one dared to even look at me it's almost like I'm some queen there when we walk through the hall way people part ways its so fun how much respect I'm getting and its all thanks to Preston

"How do I look guys" I say to Rainey and Eve who helped dress me up

"Flawless" Eve replies

"Preston's going to trip over you" Rainey says

I look back in the mirror and tilt my head "do you really think I look pretty"

"Off course I worked hard on that makeup"

"Yeah the makeup" I say and sigh it really did a good job covering what's underneath it . Eve and Rainey agreed to stay over to get me ready while Teddy is coming to pick us up

 Eve and Rainey agreed to stay over to get me ready while Teddy is coming to pick us up

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Beautiful isn't?

"Common he's already here" Rainey says

"Yeah let's go" we leave my room and bump into Kendall on the way

"You ladies seem in a hury" he says

"Yeah we are" Eve says blushing

"Nice seeing you again Mr Nancie Eve and I'll be on our way Nancie meet us in the car" Rainey says and drags Eve away

"You look, beautiful" he says

"Thanks" I say starring down

"Kaiya I"

"I have to Go" I say cutting him off " I'll see you later" I say walking away

"Have fun" he whispers as I walk through the doors

Teddy drives us to the school and we alight his car

"I'm so happy for you" he says helping me out of the car "its like all your dreams are coming true and I didn't have to do anything"

I smile as he hands me my purse

"As you walk in there I just want you to do nothing but have fun cus you deserve it"

"I will"

"Can we go in now" Rainey yells

"Yea we can" I reply and we enter the school

Preston's POV

"Are you sure they're coming bro" Chad says

"Yeah I texted Rainey they're on their way" I reply

"You should've picked her up yourself" Remi says

"I know but Eve made me promise not too"

"Wait Eve's coming" Remi asks

"Yeah"Chad and I reply

"Oh" he says

"Don't tell me you're still crushing on her" I ask him

Hi I'm Kaiya NancieWhere stories live. Discover now