getting to know him

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It was night time already, we didn't do anything much until then. Keela, Rhea and Freya were planning their thing, 'hey y/n so we are thinking about leaving now, you all set?' keela asked. 'yeah, go ahed, I'll sit guard and distract Niki but make sure you're here before the nightcheck' 'thanks y/n you're the best' the girls said hugging y/n a little too tight. Beomgyu was in the non existent corner he set up for himself to distance from others pretending to not hear but blushing at the thought of being alone with y/n at N I G H T. Keela, Freya went out first then Rhea and her boyfriend then Keela and Freya's boyfriends and now it was just the two of them, things were a little awkward at first but then THE Beomgyu initiated conversation, it was a little weird that he was into witchcraft but hearing him go on and on about his little rituals made y/n's heart flutter

'so, where did your interest in witchcraft come from?' I asked out of sheer curiosity
'my family has a history of witchcraft, my grandma used to say that I'm a wizard and that it runs in our blood but my dad says it's bullshit and that I shouldn't  listen to my grandma, it's not like I fully beleive her but the whole thing is just so intriguing'
'ohh' I said in deep thought, so his grandma says that he's a wizard, how cute, he could be my little wizard omg 

'so, where did your interest in witchcraft come from?' I asked out of sheer curiosity'my family has a history of witchcraft, my grandma used to say that I'm a wizard and that it runs in our blood but my dad says it's bullshit and that I shouldn't ...

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love this for him

We talked further more and we're laughing at stupid jokes Beomgyu cracked every now and then, gosh he's so cute, I feel like I am falling for him further more but at the same time I feel like I couldn't love him anymore because he already has my whole heart he was just so adorable, those small little pouts he made whenever I disagreed with him and how he gets scared of small little spiders, he was so precious I just wanted to hold him forever
After the both of us stopped laughing it was all silent, a little too silent, it was awkward, what are we supposed to do now, we just started talking today and I'm probably the first person from school Beomgyu has warned up to, should I ask for his hand in marriage? Maybe that would be a little fast, I should wait till the end of the trip to propose, yeah and it's probably just me getting ahead of myself but oh god I think he likes me too, he keeps blushing at everything I say.

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I wonder when everyone will be back, it's almost time for Niki to come back, I was honestly a little sleepy with all the travelling that we did today But Beomgyu didn't look tired at all infact he looked refreshed it's a shocker that he can sometimes be not depressed too, at school he always keeps to himself and is usually bullied because he's emo, that's just the real him and people need to accept it

I wonder when everyone will be back, it's almost time for Niki to come back, I was honestly a little sleepy with all the travelling that we did today But Beomgyu didn't look tired at all infact he looked refreshed it's a shocker that he can someti...

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It doesn't harm anyone so why get worked up over the fact that he has a dark aesthetic just go live your own goddamn life.
I realised I was zoning out and unconsciously staring at Beomgyu, shit does he think I'm a pervert now.
'it's time, they should be back by now, I can hear Niki, she's out for the headcount' he said
'wait I should notify them'
I took out the walkie talkie which Rhea gave me and dialled for her
'come back fast, Niki is out for the head count.... oh shit fuck I hear her, she's in the tent next to us, hurry your tardy little legs and run back here as fast as possible, you have around 7 minutes sharp'
Beomgyu looked a little scared
'okay so keep the tent chain open and make their beds so that when they come you don't have do rush it'
He gave me a nod and I left his tent and made way to mine, as I finished making the bed I knew what I was gonna do now
' Ms Niki I think I suddenly have explosive diarrhoea, can you please escort me to the nurse ' I said barging out of my tent
'eh - eh watchu say diarrhoea, come here and lets get that naughty stomach of yours to the nurse Dua'
'yes please ma'am'
I clutched onto my stomach and I had wet my eyes so it looked like I was actually I'll.
As we were walking to the nurse's tent which wasn't far and right in the camp circle  there I saw them, all of them panting and heaving but Niki was facing their direction, they couldn't come, shit, what do I do now
' I think my diarrhoea is exploding Ms Niki, I need to use the washroom ' I said as I ran for the washroom which was on the opposite direction with Niki following behind me
' aw poor child, are your intestines intact '
' I hope they are Ms Niki ' I'm in for beating ass now, only if they were on time, I wouldn't have had to have diarrhoea
As I came out of the stall I held onto Niki's arm for support and then had to go to dua lipa, she is pretty wierd, she was sharpening herself when we entered and then she screamed and told us not to tell anyone about what we saw, I quietly took my medicine from the burning pencil and slyly tossed them away when noone was looking.

Ms Niki then put me to sleep and sang super freaky girl  for me as I blushed, maybe I'll not beat Their asses afterall.
The rollcall was done and everybody was already dozing off, understandable, they were all exhausted so I too slept and drifted to dream land and hoped to dream about Beomgyu.

The rollcall was done and everybody was already dozing off, understandable, they were all exhausted so I too slept and drifted to dream land and hoped to dream about Beomgyu

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                     The next day

'sorry for yesterday y/n, I heard that you had to have diarrhoea because of us and now everyone at the camp thinks your stomach burst at night, I promise I'll make it upto you' there was sincerity in her voice and moreover, I wasn't pissed, I had dreamt about Beomgyu and it was on hell of a steamy dreamy.
'ok, so what did you guys do yesterday find something interesting?'
'almost forgot to tell you, it was so fun, we scared Steve and he almost fell into the stream and also the most exciting part was the cave, we discovered a cave in the forest, it was so scary from the inside and had many wierd things written on the wall sad thing we couldn't take photos, our camera seemed to have stopped working'
'sounds cool, it's me and Beomgyu's turn to go out today, we'll make sure to check the place out'
'you could go now too if you want, I mean firewood is the deal maker, if anyone asks where you are I'll just say you went out looking for wood for the fire'
' yeah but the thrill is in the dark, also Beomgyu is into these things so I think it will be much more exciting at night'
' freaky freakyy' she singsonged and I blushed.
And then I saw Beomgyu in his Little maid attire and my heart went berserk

And then I saw Beomgyu in his Little maid attire and my heart went berserk

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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