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3 Petals

Rosie and I were always falling for the same guy. I always figured that the people you're closest to will most likely have the same opinions as you. This was almost true.

We'd always agree that a guy was cute but that he was way out of our league. We'd never attempt to date this guy unless we'd made a bet or decided it was OK. But with the last guy, I guess she'd forgotten thus concept.

His name is Gibson. He's always smelling nice and looking fresh. When I'd hug him I'd never want to let go. He was slightly muscular which provided a tight, warm, comfortable hug for me with his cologne as a bonus.

Rosie had the exact same opinions of him that I did. But she'd never gotten any physical contact with him like I had. How could she know how it felt to be in his arms? She couldn't know. But she was persistent.

"He is so cute. I just wanna cuddle with him all day and play with his hair. I feel safe with him."

Oh blah blah blah. She was just pretending she felt as strongly about him as I did. She wanted us to be equal. Especially when it began to seem like he liked me at least a little, even though he had a girlfriend.

He was treating me specially. Setting me apart from everyone else. He'd go out of his way to simply say hi to me. He did all the little things. He was such a charm. A charm that I kept close to my heart.

This had now become a competition. It wasn't like the other guys where he's bot interested in either of us and we move on. Now, he wanted me and not Rosie. Now she wanted him more.

He was doing his little dance in circles around me and then he took a step closer to my face. We froze. He took his hand and grazed mine. I waited for what would come next. He leans in and suddenly a crash.

Rosie "slipped" on the "wet" tile and needed help getting up. She then asked to be taken to the hospital for her "bruised" hip. He offered to ride in the ambulance because he thought she was really hurt.

She stole my charm. The charm that was about to make my dreams come true. Tone in a second. I knew I'd never get that opportunity again. Her jealousy led her to ruin things for me. My retaliation will lead her to regret it.

When she got home from the hospital, she had crutches. She was really exaggerating this whole scenario. But it was perfectly fine. He "injury" fits right in with my plan.

As she approached her door and took out her keys, I approach her from behind and pull the crutch and she falls sideways landing in a rose bush mostly filled with thorns.

It was believable, she fell because her crutch slipped. No one would know. Besides, it's okay. It was always her dream to be accompanied by roses in her dying breath. And she always loved surprises.

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