We met again

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Jungkook ran with a hand covering his head from the heavy rain. It was a typical sunny day in Paris but then his plans had to be ruined suddenly by nature. He cursed under his breath and tried to find shelter.

He was running for 5 minutes on the empty road, trying to find any shop he could, but this side of the city didn't have that many shops where he could find shelter or any sort of means to hide from the rain.

Jungkook never liked the rain, it gets you wet and smelly and on top of that, dirty. He groaned and looked up just to see the dark sky. It was 4 in the afternoon, and the clouds completely covered the bright sky. His eyes widened and a smile crawled on his lips as he spotted a coffee cafe just a few minutes ahead.

He sighed and finally reached the cafe and hid under the shed. Bending and resting his hands on his knees as he breathed, he was running for the past 10 minutes and the whole day to save his job because his asshole of a CEO made him work his ass off, because of the silly mistake he made.

Today was a hell of a day for him, maybe the worst day of his life, he could think of. Jungkook ran a hand through his hair and shook his head, to remove the water. He removed his leader jacket and twisted it in his hands. It was soaked just like everything, Jungkook then wore it again.

It was getting cold, he was already soaked and if he stood outside like this more, he was going to get a cold. Jungkook pulled out his phone from his pocket and groaned loudly when he noticed it was dead. Being waterproof didn't do him any good when the battery was dead.

Suddenly he heard the door being opened with a bell ringing sound that was on top of that door. A man shorter than him came outside, his back facing him as he closed the door, Jungkook looked away as the man turned around and opened his umbrella. Jungkook looked at him again but his head was already under the umbrella, he couldn't see his face.

Asking for his phone wouldn't be bad right? He just needed to call his friend so he could come to pick him up. So he cleared his throat and said. “Hey.”

“May I borrow your phone please?” He asked as the man lifted his umbrella to see him, but when he did, everything froze. It was him, his past, his only ex. Jungkook didn't expect to see him again, not after 10 years. But he was standing in front of him with big surprised eyes, staring into his eyes.

They both just stood there in silence, looking at each other, Jimin still looked damn beautiful, he still had those plump lips, cute little nose, and eyes so innocent and curious, just like how they were 10 years ago.

Jimin felt a tinge of hurt in his chest, his mouth getting dry as he swallowed the lump in his throat and just stared at the boy he used to love so much, he still does, somewhere deep down. But now they were all memories, that he remembered sometimes when he had time in this busy life, but when he did, he smiled to himself. 

Jungkook was still the same, his eyes still held the stars in them, but now he had a lip piercing and some more ear piercings. His face looked brighter and pale, maybe because of the rain, but that didn't hide the fact of how handsome and pretty he was.

Their thoughts were interrupted when the lightning struck loudly, startling both of them as they flinched and looked away from each other, a blush rising on both their faces and they were so confused at that. It's been 10 years, they shouldn't be feeling like this. It was getting awkward so the older one decided to break the silence.

“Hey, Jungkook, how have you been?” He asked with a smile on his face but that reflected pain and Jungkook could see that. But he didn't say anything, he had no right to ask what was wrong. He lost that right 10 years ago when they broke up, so he forced a smile to answer.

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