We fell in love again

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You wanna dance with me?" Jungkook asked, smiling smugly towards Jimin, he looked at Tae and eventually agreed to dance with drunk Jungkook. Jimin took his hand and went in between the crowd, the music was now slow, for the couples probably. Taehyung always told the DJ to play slow songs for the couples and for others to relax from jumping around so much. Not to lie, his parties were famous.

Jungkook secured his arms around Jimin's waist as the smaller one wrapped his arms around his neck. Not minding the closeness at all, their minds were hazy and it felt good to be this close. Jimin moved his hips with the rhythm and didn't dare to break eye contact with Jungkook.

His one hand slid to rest on Jungkook's shoulder as the other remained around his neck. Jungkook lowered his hands and rested them just above his hips.

"You two look good together." Jungkook slurred while keeping his eyes on his lips and Jimin was taken aback by his words. Jimin was tipsy, not drunk. But still, Jungkook's words surprised him. Jungkook was definitely drunk.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jimin said with a chuckle followed after. Jungkook sighed and groaned, throwing his head back, smiling, but he was too far gone to even keep his eyes focused.

"You donnt- have to— lie you know." He whispered near Jimin's ear, resting his forehead on his shoulder. Jimin sighed and soothed his back as they stayed like that. The beer was getting into his head, if he was sober he would've said no or pushed Jungkook away, but he let him do whatever he wanted. He missed it so much.

"I'm not lying, he's my best friend." Jungkook looked at him with a raised brow.

"Best friend who introduces himself as your boyfriend." He chuckled and Jimin looked at him with narrow eyes.

"Are you jealous?" Jimin asked.

"No- why would I be jealous." Jungkook said and shook his head, stumbling, as he held onto Jimin.

"Smells like jealousy and lies to me." Jimin laughed and Jungkook just pouted at that. He missed his small pout, glad that Jungkook was drunk.

"Stop being mean." He whined and Jimin giggled at that.

"I'm not being mean."

"Yes, you are. I missed you so much all these years and now after we met, you're being mean to me. You even have a boyfriend now, it's not fair that you've moved on and I'm still stuck there." Tears rolled down Jungkook's cheek and Jimin was just too shocked to say anything, he thought he would never hear this again. Jimin looked at him with glossy eyes as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Jungkook was crying, biting his bottom lip as his fists curled into balls, clutching Jimin's shirt tightly.

"Jungkook." He whispered as the taller one shook his head.

"No, y-you you…don't love me anymore. I-it's my fault and- and I regret everything- only if- I was mature enough to deal with everything." He cried while looking down as Jimin cupped his face with his hand. "It's not, Jungkook. It's not your fault. Things were difficult for both of us." Jimin said and looked him in the eyes, Jungkook sniffed and shook his head again. "I let you go." The next thing he knew, he was being dragged away from the party and into a room upstairs where the music wouldn't disturb them. Jimin locked the door and finally looked at him.

"I'm sorry-" Before Jungkook could say anything or walk away, he was being pushed on the bed as Jimin sat on his lap and pressed his lips onto Jungkook's. The latter widened his eyes but eventually gave in. He closed his eyes and pulled Jimin closer, the kiss was not soft or delicate and filled with love. Instead, it was forced and rough. That just explained how much they missed each other's touch and craved it all these years, and now that they finally had it, they didn't waste time exploring more and more. Jungkook moaned as the realisation hit Jimin and he pulled back immediately.

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