Exploring Emotion

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Third Person Perspective
Sunday, 7/04/2024
Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, Hurricane, Utah

Roxy, unbeknown to the rest of the group in the room over, laid awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling above her with both her paws on her stomach.

She was thinking about the last 48 hours, and every experience and emotion that came with it. She started back when Vanessa told them that there would be a new guard arriving at the Pizzaplex the day after, and how she felt upon hearing that.

Part of her, for some reason, was mad about Vanessa not informing her, not to her memory at least, that she had spoken with Steven in the first place to inquire about getting a new guard for the team.

Another part of her was glad she didn't know until Y/N was already hired, as it meant that she would just have to deal with it, like any other person would. It finally gave her the chance to meet somebody new on a basis other than 'I'm your biggest fan' and 'Can you sign my plushie?'

Then came 12 pm the next day, where Y/N had come to introduce himself to her as part of his official orientation and induction as a member of the Fazbear Entertainment family.

After their first encounter, Roxy had felt increasingly guilty about brushing Y/N off and being as rude to him as she was before the show. She felt so bad, in fact, that during her afternoon performance she managed to smell his scent from where he was seated on the catwalks and kept a close eye on him. She had kept it up for almost the entire afternoon, until just before closing time, just to see if she had upset him.

Returning to her green room to be met with Freddy was the final tightened wheel nut for her, that made her decided to give the new security guard a chance.

And to her pleasant surprise, she had fun hanging out with him.

Unlike most of the other guards that were hired before Y/N, who did nothing but bully and harass Roxy - even going as far as directing sexual comments to her and repeatedly touching her in places she begged of them not to, he was light-hearted and honest, open about his feelings and more than happy to spend quality, normal person time with her.

She remembered how much fun she had racing against him on the raceway, and how though he did tease her with calling her 'hun' a few times, she actually didn't really mind it that much. It didn't feel weird coming from him... in fact, she started to realise that it felt kind of right.

Then there was dinner, where their Vanny problem began. Despite that, he was still cracking jokes to her and her friends, telling funny stories about the kinds of silly things he and his friends would do when they were young and just generally enjoying himself.

He didn't want to ruin the mood for them by focusing on Vanny, which Roxy found both respectable and slightly stupid of him.

And when he needed to leave for his patrol, he urged to go so that he could make sure that everything was in order, and that the band was safe - that she was safe.

He had been on her mind all night, whether the two were sitting right next to each other or they were separated by the neon jungle that was the Pizzaplex, he was the first thing that she thought about.

She thought about how she charged into the Daycare to find him bleeding on the floor, and the rush of terror that flowed through her body at the mere thought that he was dead when Freddy bent down to pick him up.

She thought about how she paced back and forth in the green room while waiting for the other two to arrive, breaking down due to the fact that she was just that worried about Y/N.

She thought about one thing she said while reassuring herself in the mirror.

"Y/N loves me-"

The words echoed in her mind as she thought long and hard about them. Did she just say that to boost her confidence enough to calm down, or was it her subconscious mind trying to tell her something.

She remembered catching Y/N in her arms after he fell from the air, and how she clutched him to her chest and refused to let go for what could have been hours, too scared at the possibility of losing him again.

She thought about how he kissed her back in medical to snap her out of her outburst, and how she felt after it.

It was almost relieving to the wolf, and a small smile formed on her snout when she thought about it, accompanied by a small bit of blush on her cheeks. She remembered how she launched herself at him, so strongly upset that she had hurt him even though he didn't show a single sign of fear or frustration at the wolf who had clung herself to him.

The realisation after considering all of these things hit her like a ton of bricks - she had fallen in love with Y/N, the Pizzaplex's rookie security guard.

She didn't believe what she knew to be true for a while, thinking that it was stupid and so far of a stretch that it wasn't even funny, but her heart had already made its choice, and that choice was Y/N.

She would do anything to protect him, after all. It only made sense that this was the case.

A/N: My first author's note in... well, God knows how long at this point... but now we're actually getting somewhere with our whole "Roxanne Wolf x Male Reader" part in the story's title... 15 chapters in, and finally we start to see it. In the middle of the rising tension to the main conflict as well!

It's going to be one hell of a ride if the story keeps progressing the way it's going right now, so I hope you're all ready for it!

Burn Bright & Carry On

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