Mint arm pt 2 chapter 6

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Hey guys I see y'all are commenting and I would love to comment back it's just that Wattpad makes people register there email and it sends something to complete sign in but I don't get the emails so I'm gonna try more so I can answer your comments enjoy bitches ❤️ also THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 300 READS IM CRYING PLEASE I NEVER THOUGHT THAT WOULD HAPPEN THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏾🫶🏾

💀💀=kms like Finn's mom
💀= Finns mom
☠️= Lmao

Tws: bad Spanish I think bc it's google translate, Fighting, cursing a lot, dark humor as you can see from the second message ☠️

Finney POV
We almost kissed I couldn't stop thinking about it during class. His voice was so deep and his warm breath flowed to my neck as and spoke it was hot. But Bruce had to walk in I kept on thinking god why would you make Bruce walk in why why why. After 2 more classes school was finally over and Bruce came up to me "hey Finn you still thinking about how  hOt RoBiN WaS"  he said mocking me. He continued to mock me until I closed his mouth because Michael was here I moved Bruce out the way. Michael then said "so I heard you and Robin almost kissed ay?" He sounded mad but I didn't give a Damn I just wanted to go home I looked at Bruce did he tell him Bruce shook his head because he knew what I thought I believed him he wouldn't want to get beat up by robin. "How do you know about that?" __ "a little birdie told me." He then pushed Bruce to the ground and said "and they also told me that I'm gonna beat your ass!" I laughed a bit then got serious "Hey get your dirty ass fingers away from my fucking friend before I smoke your ass you saw what I did to matty and his goons it won't hurt to do it to your weak ass!" (Bro I'm literally dead like💀 like that's literally me I died from cringe). People started crowding around us he laughed and then swung on me it hit me it didn't hurt that much but my lip started bleeding  I laughed "you hit your boyfriends best friend who's known me longer than you look at him in the crowd!" He looked and saw Robin staring in anger he saw the full thing. When Michael turned back around I swung as hard as I could the crowd was screaming ahh's (not like that bitch 🤺) and Ohh's and so many were recording. I was done with this asshole he wobbled back a little bit holding his face I then kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall to the floor I started punching him over and over and knocked his ass out cold. I stood up and looked at Robin "and you date this asshole! Let's go Bruce" I walked off with Bruce and I went to his house Gwen already walked away with Susie to her house.

Robin POV ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I was walking out the school looking for Finn or Michael. Finn and me almost kissed I wanted too and it looked like he did too but first I had to break up with Michael. I wasn't a cheater but I didn't have a reason why I wanted to break up until I saw Michael push Bruce. I didn't like Bruce because I thought he was fake and liked Finn but it seemed he wasn't so I waited to see why he did that he then started yelling at finn and Finn yelled back I was about to run up to them before people started crowding around them. I was pushing and shoving and then I saw Michael punch finney I stood there in horror and then became angry. finney then yelled "you hit your boyfriends best friend who's known me longer than you look at him in the crowd!" Michael looked at me and saw how mad I was. He turned back around and finney punched him Michael wobbled back a bit and then Finn kicked him in the stomach making Michael fall. I wanted to intervene but damn I didn't know Finn could fight like that Finn started punching Michael over and over knocking him out. Finn got off him then looked at me then screamed "and you date this asshole! let's go Bruce" Finn was right Michael is an asshole he pushed Bruce for no reason then tried to fight finney I was disappointed at myself. I thought about helping Michael but I was too mad and just left him there I hope he gets home okay.

Bruce my beloved POV
Finn and me started walking and then I turned to him and said "hey do you want to come to my house?" He nodded and we went to my house.  finney took his phone from out his pocket calling someone "oh is that your mom?" (💀☠️) he laughed a little and said "no my moms dead" he sounded sarcastic but I didn't know if he was serious "for real?" I said as I grabbed water and started to drink some His face turned serious "yes I'm being for real my mom committed suicide 3 years ago."I spit the water out everywhere I started coughing and giggling then realized. "I'm sorry im so sorry you just said that out of no where" he laughed and said "it's okay it doesn't even matter you can laugh" I stayed silent "I don't think I'll do that but anyways are you calling your dad?" (🪃 get it bc he im sorry Imma just 🚶🏾‍♀️) he laughed again "no mad dads probably drinking at a bar and he's probably gonna be drunk tomorrow so I have to leave early tomorrow. If I'm staying the night or Gwen will" he was serious and sounded annoyed I was not gonna laugh. He called one more time and someone answered "hey Gwen if you leave Susie's tomorrow and I'm not there I'm at a friends okay and are you still coming to my game tomorrow?" he hung up and we went to my bathroom to clean his hands which looked a mess.

Finney POV
After we cleaned my hands we were in Bruce's living room watching tv his house was so big I got a call it was Robin. I wanted to ignore it but I couldn't I answered the phone and Bruce paused the tv "hello?"

ROBIN ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤪🤪😜😜😜❤️❤️🥰🥰🔥🔥🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 POV
The next hour I felt so bad I was gonna break up with Michael not on text or call I was gonna do it in person but I had to make things right with Finn. I called him I knew he wasn't gonna answer right away but I waited until "hello?" I was so happy he answered. "Finn you were right about Michael I'm so so so so sorry I hope you can forgive me I'll break up with him on Sunday but on Monday can we talk in person?"__ "your not coming to my game?" __ "I am it's just I want it to be more private and after your game I want to hang out with you like go to a milkshake place with your team and friends so please" he sighed and said "yea Robin we can talk on Monday okay but I have to go are you done?" He said in a nice innocent tone but I knew there was someone there with him I heard small giggles and Gwen is at Susie's house bc I saw her walk with Susie's and it's Friday. And he was walking with BRUCE "I know Bruce is there Finn" Finn laughed a bit and said "yea I'm at his house" __ "hey can you give your phone to Bruce and take it off speaker?"__ "sure."

I had the phone to my ear and robin said something in Spanish because were in the same Spanish class and I can speak very well in Spanish. "Sé que no eres heterosexual, así que si descubro que sales con Finn, ¡te patearán el culo, ¿me oyes?!" (Translator: I know you're not straight, so if I find out you're dating Finn, you'll get your ass kicked, you hear me?!) "sí"
(You better know what it means if not it means yes) his voice was so deep but not the deep like Finn said he was talking Robin was talking like he was mad and his voice was filled with hatred
But he doesn't know that I like Vance. "pero me gusta vance no finn" ( translator but I like Vance not Finn) __ "that's it give Finn his back his phone" (bros really protective of his discord kitten Finney I'm 💀💀) I gave Finney his phone and soon later he hangs up. After hours of hanging out we eat then go to bed because we have a game tomorrow. I wake up and Finn's not on the blow up bed I look at my phone and he texted that he had to go home to check on his sister and he had to get his jersey so I got up and got ready.

After the game Finneys team wins I'm getting so lazy Finney pov
After the game Bruce kept on saying my arm was mint and that I almost had him. robin was there I went and hugged him after the game after awhile I let go "hey Robin!" I said smiling I was so happy Michaels bitch ass is finally breaking up with Robin yay. After talking and changing we went for milkshakes it was fun my team and Bruce and Robin were all laughing no drama or anything. I remembered I needed to ask Bruce if he would go to grab and go with me and Vance so I pulled him to the bathroom with me because I didn't want my team freaking out over Vance hopper. "Hey Bruce remember the thing you wanted to know well vance wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go to grab and go with me and him?" He blushed a bit did Bruce like Vance? "Vance hopper?" He said a bit flustered "yea he wanted you to go especially" I said with a wink he blushed even more "yea I'll go" __ "I knew you would, you like him after all right"__ "is it obvious?" He said embarrassed "I said the word Vance and you blushed immediately of course it's obvious" we both laughed and went back to the team and had a good time.

I'm done yay gay this took so long and it's my moms birthday today so it's a little short but I want to keep making content for y'all so I hope you liked this and if you didn't well 🖕🏾 jk ❤️

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