Chapter 1

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Wednesday's POV

- Attempted murder - My mother said to me, during our travel. - My dear Wednesday, do you have any idea what that means?

- Of course, mother - I replied. - They'll know I failed.

I got expelled despite no one died. It didn't make sense to me, but I hated that school so it wasn't that bad, after all. I still didn't understand why I needed to attend another school. I was 18 and I was smarter than any adult I talked to, what was the point in joining another school for my last year before college ? Couldn't I just study at home and scare the professor with my torture room?

My mother sighed and my father tried to confort her kissing her arm and murmuring "Querida", like he always does.

Love. What a disgusting feeling.

- Where are we going, by the way? - I asked, trying to distract myself with a possibly interesting conversation.

- Nevermore - My father replied, looking me in the eyes, a soft smile painted on his lips. - It's the place where I met your mother. Hopefully, you'll make some friends there. Maybe fall in love, like us.

Fuck, no I thought while our car entered the property of the Nevermore academia.

The place was interesting, at least. Parks everywhere, a dark building that looked like a dormitory and something that looked like a ruined castle.

We came out of the car and proceed to the goodbyes talk.

- Goodbye, Wednesday. We'll see again at Christmas - My father said, brushing my hair.

- Feel free of calling us if you need anything, my dear - My mother add, kissing me on the forhead.

Then, my parents left me and my luggage to the guy - probably a butler - who was supposed to walked me to the principal's office.

The office was in the castle building, it was dark and huge, decorated with stuffed animals like an owl, a dog, a black cat and a salamander. The principal was sat behind her desk.

She was tall. Even sat, the woman was taller than me, still standing on my feet. She was pale, with blonde hair styled like a victorian lady and an elegant gold dress.

- So, Miss Addams - She said. - You certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years. But don't worry. You're not the only one here, at Nevermore, who didn't fit in the world, outside. Hopefully, you'll find you're place here. And considering how skilled you are, you seem to be a great acquisition for our institute.

I didn't answer. I didn't want to be here, but I was pretty sure we both knew that.

Someone knocked at the door.

- Came in - the principal said, and a blonde girl, with pink and blue strands in her hair, come in. She was wearing a striped black and blue uniform, like the students I've seen at the entrance.

- Did you called me, Miss Weems? - The girl asked with her squeaky voice. Every inch of her seemed to scream happiness. Gosh.

- Miss Sinclair, this is Miss Addams, your new roomate. I would appreciate if you walked her to the school and show her your room - Principal Weems said to her while I realised I was condamned to divide my future room with the live action of Joy from Inside Out.

Yes, I watched Inside Out. No, I won't explain myself.

- Miss Addams -I turned around, meeting the principal's brown eyes - Enid will be your guide. I hope you'll find yourselves compatible.

Then she pointed at the door and I followed Joy - Enid Sinclair - out of the office.

For the records, I'm Italian and we have 5 years high school, so we graduate when we are 19. If I'm not wrong, in America you graduate when you're 18 but Wednesday changed a lot of schools so she lost one year and will graduate when she is 19.

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