Opening: School trouble

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During the 1600s, Royal Woods was simply known as Woods. This was where the Loud family's ancestors settled after they were (unknowingly) betrayed by their castle caretaker in Scotland, Aggie, when she banished them from their kingdom. Sometime in the 400 years between the ancestors' arrival and the present, Woods was renamed to Royal Woods, after an oak tree that lived there.

In Royal Woods, a house was nestled well in a small neighborhood. 54 Community college teacher, Dorothy, was sitting on the living room couch as she was grading papers. Being a teacher was a very rewarding job, but it had its downsides. This was one of them.

Tobias was watching as Dorothy was grading. Dorothy looked over at him.

Dorothy: Tobias? Is that really necessary?

Tobias: No. I just enjoy watching you work. Plus, I got

Dorothy: Why don't you hang out with your friends?

Tobias: I can't. Max had a stroke and had to move to New York so he could stay with a family member who could take care of him. Elroy was sent to Orlando to take care of a family member. I still see Alex at school though. I help him with bullies. I know how to avoid them. But we can't find the time to hang out outside of school.

Dorothy: Why don't you go to his house?

Tobias: His dad scares me. Every time I stop by to see Alex, he slams the door in my face.

Dorothy nodded.

Dorothy: I see. Well, you can still watch tv or read a book. Plus we should probably look into what you said about Alex's father. That's not exactly something that should be ignored.

Dorothy knew that the school Tobias went to wasn't very demanding. She liked Royal Woods High School. They weren't very demanding, they understood their students and tried to help them whenever they could. But lately the schools in Royal Woods had been having problems. The Board of Education had been forcing the schools to start using more technology and emails. The problem was that a large portion of the students couldn't learn by computer. However, the school staff wasn't really being given much of a choice. They weren't being asked to used computers, they were being told (more like forced and pressured) to do it. Dorothy however, cared enough about her students to take a stand. She continued to tech her students by paper and book, while making it look like they used computers. So far it worked for four months.

Soon the front door opened and Sophia walked in. Sophia was Dorothy's mother. Sophia is best known for her wisecracks, put-downs and brazen remarks, often commenting on Dorothy's lack of love life, Blanche's promiscuity, Tobias's speech issue and behavior, and Rose's stupidity. However, despite her sharp criticism of her daughter and housemates, she loves and cares for them deeply; she even sees Rose and Blanche as surrogate daughters, and Tobias as a surrogate grandson.

Dorothy: Oh hi Ma. How was bingo?

Sophia: Awful. That new announcer has it out for me. I was one letter away from winning.

Dorothy: Ma. It happens.

Sophia: It happened five times.

Tobias: Maybe just a crazy conoidance.

Dorothy: Actually is coincidence. But you were close enough.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Dorothy got up and saw a well dressed black man. It was her boss at the college. Preston. He had a strong look of concern on his face.

Dorothy: Oh hello Preston. What brings you by?

Preston: Dorothy. It's about your job. I'm afraid I have bad news.

Dorothy looked at him with concern and let him inside the house.

Preston walked to a chair in the living room. Sophia and Tobias watched.

Preston: Dorothy. I respect that you want to help your students and teach them in a way they'll learn. Your the only one with the guts to stand up to the school boards new stupid technology rule.

Sophia: Ya ya! Get to your point.

Preston: Right. Dorothy, the school board found out about you continuing to teach students by pencil, paper, and book. And they reacted a little childish. They called me in and demanded I do something. Look I tried defending you I really did. But they threatened to cut the schools funding if I didn't do what they wanted to do with you.

Dorothy and Sophia looked at Preston with a look of concern. Tobias looked confused.

Dorothy: What are you saying.

Preston: Dorothy. I'm sorry but...I'm afraid they kicked you out. Along with Tobias. They know your one of his caretakers and are determined to make an example out of you.

Dorothy: Are...are you saying we can't go to Royal Woods schools anymore?

Preston: No Dorothy. Your getting kicked out of education. Your not allowed in any school. No school, no homeschool, no learning websites, no school stores. Your no longer allowed anything with a hint of education. I'm sorry.

Dorothy, Sophia, and Tobias looked at Preston in shock.

Preston: Look. I fought for you. I tried reasoning with them, but they wouldn't listen to me. It was either kick you two out, or we lose our funding. I'm sorry.

Dorothy: I DONT BELIVE THIS! This is insanity!

Sophia: Dorothy, calm down.

Dorothy: Calm down! Did you hear what he just say! We've been blacklisted from education and I practically ruined Tobias's future!

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