Cooking filler

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Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, Sophia, Alex, and Toad worked furiously and quickly in the kitchen.

Dorothy: Girls, guys. I think this time we really hit the jackpot.

Blanche: Oh, me too. This wedding consulting business is the smartest thing we've ever done.

The girls had gone into the wedding, catering business. Tonight, they along with Toad and Alex were making pizza, pasta, and salad for a big wedding.

Though the kitchen wasn't exactly big enough for all of them, the food, and ingredients.

Toad: Ya. But still. Cooking for four hundred people is a tall order.

Alex: He's right. We've been cooking for four hours, and we've barely scratched the surface.

Each person was working in groups and working on various parts. Blanche was making the pizza dough. Toad and Alex were spreading the pizza sauce, cheese, toppings, and putting it in the oven. Dorothy and Rose were handing the pasta and making the pasta sauce. Sophia was making and cake.

Sophia: Please, in Sicily, we did it all the time. And we didn't have the modern conveniences you have today. We had to slaughter our own meat, prepare our own seasonings, churn our own butter, and, if the food wasn't perfect, after cappuccino, they shot the cook.

Everyone in the room looked at Sophia as she said that.

Dorothy: Ma, you're making that up.

Sophia: No, I'm not. Why do you think there are only two guys from Italy?

Toad decided to check how much they made. So far they made sixty seven pizzas, twenty four bowls of pasta, and one cake.

Blanche: You know, this is boring.

Rose: I know how we could make the time go faster. We could sing a work song, like they do on the railroad. Just follow my lead. 🎶Gonna stuff a chicken.🎶

Toad & Blanche & Dorothy: 🎶Gonna stuff a chicken.🎶

Alex:...Oh what the hell? 🎶Gonna stuff a chicken.🎶

Rose: 🎶Like my mama taught me.🎶

Toad & Blanche & Dorothy & Alex: 🎶Like my mama taught me🎶

Rose: 🎶Gonna take the chicken, [high-pitched] down to Mississippi.🎶

Toad winced and Alex grabbed his ears.

Sophia: Rose. Rose, just stuff it!

As they kept cooking, one thing was becoming certain. They are all getting tired and running out of energy. They were getting burned out. It was time to call in backup. They called the loud family.

Within minutes Lynn Loud Sr, Lori, Luna, Luan, Lincoln, and Lynn arrived.

Lynn Loud Sr was more than happy to help. And the girls were more than happy to help their boyfriends.

Lynn: Alex, babe, you just sit down and relax. Leave the worrying to the dominant one in this relationship. You've been working your fingers to the bare bone.

Lynn sat Alex down in a chair.

Luna kissed her boyfriend in the cheek and sat him down in a chair.

Luna: Hon, you take a break, and I'll do the cooking.

Just a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

Blanche: Who on earth could that be at 11 o'clock in the evening?

Dorothy: Maybe it's a Jehovah's Witness with a caffeine problem?

The four woman, Toad, Alex, Lynn Sr, Lori, Luan, Luna, Lincoln, and Lynn walked into the living room.

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