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-First update in a while. Hey! Sorry for not posting my phone broke and it took ages to get a new one so that was a bit crazy. :>-

"I'm too scared of him.." Cassidy confessed, how was he scared of his own father?
"Why are you scared of him?" I asked, "Has he hurt you or something?" It was strange. Cassidy's father was strange. Cassidy's life was strange.

"I've told him before but.." Cassidy paused briefly to think. "...But he doesn't care..."
Cassidy's eyes welled up with tears. "..He- he slap- slapped me when- when I told him that- that I don't wanna be a girl.. I wanna be a-" Cassidy cut themselves off. "..I wanna be anything but a girl.."

I hugged Cassidy. It seemed like they needed it. Cassidy is complicated and I want to understand them better. "I ran away from home because my daddy is also bad!" I blurted out. It felt wrong not to tell anyone. "Lizabet's dead and it's his fault.. He- killed her, I watched it happen.. and now I'm scared he'll kill me too.."

Our hug ended abruptly when Cassidy quickly pulled away. "Your daddy's a killer!?" He blurted out at what must've been past full volume.

"Its scary! He might kill me too Cassy! I'm scared!" Tears poured out my eyes and screams slipped out my mouth. My legs felt wobbly and my arms felt numb. I collapsed to the ground. My head was spinning awfully fast and my stomach was tying itself into butterfly knots over and over again. The spinning got worse and my consciousness slipped away no matter how hard I tried to stay awake. I could still hear Cassidy screaming and feel him shaking me trying to wake me up but I just couldn't. My eyes and mouth were practically stitched shut and my body wouldn't move despite my desperate attempts for it to listen.

I woke back at home in my room.

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