Chapter One: To Winterfell

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A few days later, it was finally time for the party to head back to Winterfell. They had created a temporary casket to hold Princess Lyanna's body until they arrived back in Winterfell where they could properly bury her in the tombs. Ned was in charge of carrying Jaehaera until they reached Winterfell, where Lady Ashara Dayne was waiting. Although Ned knew that his wife wasn't going to be happy with Ashara Dayne showing up, he found that he could care less about her opinions, seeing as Lady Dayne was there to be the Princess's wet nurse.

Ned was brought out of his internal monologue by his niece babbling at him. Jaehaera was held to the front of his chest, wrapped in a thick, fur blanket to keep her warm. She was held there by a ring sling so she didn't have to be held there with both hands. Jaehaera, for some reason, found this to be highly entertaining and would giggle uncontrollably whenever she bounced as a result of going over a hole in the road.

The Princess's giggling caused everyone within hearing distance to smile brightly at the sound. Seeing and hearing their princess having fun and being happy was everything they could wish for, especially her future Queensguard. They knew that they couldn't protect Princess Lyanna and Prince Rhaegar and they would be damned if they didn't give up their lives to save the princess and future Queen. 

Ned smiled down at his niece, as she looked up at him with her big, doe eyes that reminded him so much of her mother, his sister. He rocked her gently, only stopping once she fell asleep again. Looking up, Ned smiled. He knew that his niece would be the best thing that would ever happen to the Seven Kingdoms and he would be damned if he didn't do everything in his power to make sure she sat on the Iron Throne. He would do whatever it takes, and he knew that the North would do exactly the same, especially once they met his niece.

Two weeks later, the traveling party had finally made it to Winterfell. As they entered the courtyard, everyone was gathered there, waiting for them. Everyone was surprised to see the three Kingsguard and even more surprised to see the honorable Ned Stark holding a baby in his arms. 

Waiting at the front of the crowd, Lady Catelyn Stark was waiting impatiently for her husband to get back. She saw her husband enter the courtyard and was about to run up to greet him when she saw the bundle in his arms. Her eyes widened slightly before they hardened into a glare and her teeth clenched. How dare her husband be gone for so long and then bring home a bastard. How dare that whore want her child to be brought here.

Ned carefully dismounted his horse, being mindful of his niece. Once he was off his horse, he noticed his wife marching up to him with an angry look on her face. He wrapped his arms around his sleeping niece, as if to shield her from her aunt's anger.

Sers Gerold, Oswell, and Arthur all saw Lady Stark marching towards her husband, anger written on her face and were on high alert. They knew that Lord Stark had their princess with him and they wouldn't stand by and watch Lady Stark do something that could cause harm to the princess. They all put their hands on their swords, ready to defend their princess at all times, even if it was from her own aunt. 

Ned internally sighed as he saw his wife marching up to him. He really didn't want to deal with her at the moment but he should probably do it before she caused a scene but he knew she was going to cause one anyway.

"Lady Wife," Ned greeted dryly. Catelyn was taken aback slightly, as was everyone else in the courtyard. They had expected their Lord to greet his wife with care and love, but they apparently were wrong.

"Ned. How happy I am to see you but please tell me why you have brought a whore's child into our home?" Catelyn practically snarled. The entire courtyard gasped at their Lady's words. The princess's guards drew their swords as fast as lightning and pointed them towards Lady Stark.

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