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Wasp's POV

How long has it been now? How much longer will it be until I find him?

My body was so beaten up that it hurt when my pod started to shake as I was low on energon, tried and weak that I couldn't open my optics to look out the small window. I felt the pod to shake harder as I hissed in pain. I felt that I hit something, it felt like the ground. I wanted to open the pod in get out but I couldn't wake up to move, at that point I just fell sleep due to lack on energon.

Optimus's POV

" Bravo, Optimus. Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event. Megatron said from high up on a rock, after we defeated his undead army. I started to climb the rock to confront , " You will not prevail,  Megatron--- not while energon still flows through my vein."  I said as Megatron got down in my face and said, " Fitting, for it is dark energon which flows through mine." after that he transforms into a jet and flew off into the distance.

I tried to shoot him down but missed as he flew out of view. But I saw something in the distance where Megatron fled in and it come straight for me. I jumped off the rock to avoid getting hit and landed on the ground roughly, I looked in the direction of the thing and see that Ratchet had jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit.

" Your unscathed old friend? I asked as walked over and and help him up, " WHAT IN THE ALLSPARK WAS THAT? Ratchet yelled as looks in direction of the object that fell, as the dust clears my eyes go wide. " By the allspark...." Ratchet said but stopped, so continued " It's cybertronian escape pod..." 

I looked at Ratchet and nodded, then i started to walk up to the pod with my gun out just in case its a decepticon in it. I push a button to open the the pod and went in front of the of pod pointing my gun at the unknown cybertronian. I looked at the cybertronian and seen that it was a femme and she was covered in scars, but also she looked like bumblebee. Then it hit me. " Optimus to base, requesting groundbridge". I said pick the femme up carefully in my arms, I felt her jerk and hiss in pain. I looked down and seen that she her semi conscious as her eyes slightly open. " Optimus, who was --- By the allspark!" Ratchet says as he looks up at the person in my arms.

" It's Wasp?! But how?" He continued to asking questions about her being in the pod, " We will have are answer in do time Ratchet, but for now we must heal her wounds" I said as we walked thought the groungbridge.

Wasp's POV

I started to open my eyes but was blinded by a bright light, so I blinked a few times before I fully open my eyes. I looked around to see i'm in some kind of base. I also realized that I wasn't in as much pain a earlier, I started to sit up but then I heard a voice say, " Ep,ep ep,ep, your still weak, you should be trying to sit up Wasp. I looked to the side to a face I haven't seen in a while. 

" R-ratchet" I said as i started to tear up, I got up to go hug him but when tried to walk my body gave out and I started to fall. I closed my eyes waiting on impact but it never came, I opened my eyes to see that I was in someones arm. " You should be more careful Scarlet".  I heard the figure say, I looked up to another face I have seen in a while.

"Optimus" I said with tears down my eyes, when Optimus helped me up I gave me a hug and started to sob. " It's been so long sense I've seen another autobot even a familiar face. I missed you both" I said sobbing hugging Ratchet. After I calm down, Ratchet checked to make sure everything was in working order as I drink energon.

A few minutes of silence went by as Ratchet finish checking before he broke the silence " How did you survive, Where were you for all this time." He said as I zoned out thinking about  my time with the cons and never seeing my brother again. " Wasp!! " I snapped out of thought, I felt something wet running down my face not realizing that I was crying " Oh s-sorry I didn't realized i zoned or crying" I said wrapping my face " Wasp, What happened to you with your times with the decepticons" Ratchet asked me again.

I avoid optic contact with me and said " I-I don't want to talk about it. All you have to know its there fault that Bumblebee is dead" I started fighting back angry tears. That's when Ratchet said, " Wasp, Bumblebee is alive, he's here." I jumped not caring about my injuries " BEE'S ALIVE, HE'S HERE ,WHERE IS HE?!" I started to shout at him desperately wanting to know my brother was.

"Wasp...." I heard a beeping voice from behind me, I turned around to see a face I haven't seen in forever.



I hope you like my rewrite of this chapter after the incident with the saving.

My first time write a story, so i hoped you liked it.

(P.S., I had some help from a friend with this story :) 

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