It's been a long time ....

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??'s POV

It has been centuries since I haven't seen the light of day, centuries since I haven't seen a another autobot,.... centuries since I haven't seen my family... my friends.






If your still out there somewhere, I promise u that I will escape and find you.

But then the door open, I looked up to see two cons,

"Commender Starscream has request we bring you to the brig, he has someone for you to meet." One of them said as they walked over uncuffing my wrist. As soon as my arm falling free I got and punched the con and turned around and punched the other one, knocking them out.

I ran out the door and started looking for the exited. As i'm trying to find the exit, I kept running into more cons and bashing them out of my way trying to find the exited. As I turned to corner I saw Starscream walking down the hall with someone very familiar.

We all stop in are track to stare each other for a moment until Megatron started laughing.

"(chuckling) Hahahaha... Well well well.. Why isn't it my old friend" He said with a grim smile

" Its been a long time....... Solar Pax"

"Meaaags, it's been awhile since I last seen you" I said with a cheeky smile.

"I've seen you since I broke your arm, speak of it how is it" I said with a cocky tone smiling.

Megatron scowled growling little then smiled at me.

" My arm is fine but I wondering how your sister is doing ." He said smiling

My face when to anger when he started talking about my sister.

" I haven't  seen her in a while. I wonder if I asks her on a date after I kill her brothers, will she still go out with me." He said now laughing.

At that point I was livid, " DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TOUCH MY SISTER!!" I yelled charging at him.

Megatron got into fight stance blocked my punch and punch me in the stomach hard. I felt to my knees holding my stomach in pain. I was still weak from the lack of energon and open wounds. I looked at Megatron with hate in my eyes.

" It's going to be funny watching you as I take everyone you every loved away from you, Starting with Optimus." He said walking away as cons ran up to him.

" Take him back to his cell" He command them as they all picked me up and started to drag me back to my cell. 

" DON"T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM" I yelled at him as I thrash and yelled as I was being pulled in the other direction of him as he looked back with his eyes that glowed purple a little.



Sorry that the chapter short, been a bit stress for the past couple of weeks so I don't have time to thing about the next part to write during week days. But I hoped you like it I will try to upload a new chapter every week. I WILL TRY, so don't get your hopes up.

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