Griffin Stagg

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Charlotte Stagg

She was asleep on the couch when she heard a knock on the door. She got up from the couch to go get the door. It's been two years now since Griffin went missing. (idk if it was or not but I think it was) Griffin was everything to her, She loved him more than anything else. As she was walking to the door, she heard another knock, "hold on" she said tiredly. When she opened the door she saw a police officer waiting at the door.

"Charlotte Stagg, correct?" The officer said in a questioning tone. "Yes, why are you here?" She said hoping that whatever was going to come out of his mouth wasn't gonna be horrible. "I'm sorry to inform you but, your son Griffin was found-" before the officer could finish the sentence, she fell to the ground, tears falling out her eyes. " How could somebody hurt him, he never did anything wrong, he never deserved that" she said through tears. The officer gave her a sad look "I'm sorry ma'am" he said getting down on to Charlotte's level. "I just want my son" she said looking at the officer.

How can somebody hurt Griffin. He never hurt anyone, so what did he do to deserve this. All she wanted to do was just to hug Griffin, tell him that she's here, that his mother is here, sing to him just like she did when he was younger. She will never be able to forgive herself for not being there for him, letting him get hurt. She doesn't even want to know what happened to her boy but whoever that person was that hurt her son, she hopes that fucker burns in hell.

So I hope y'all enjoyed that, sorry it's not the best. I don't really know what I'm doing so I at least hope it's decent. Anyways stay safe and love you guys-Freddie/Joey ♥️

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