Bigger update, 10/1: Uhh, so im into a lot of things rn. I have a list here, allow me to name them off. Lily's well (LW), Bad end theater (BET), sonic (STH), tmnt, Creepypasta, and cookie run kingdom / ovenbreak (CRK / CRO). Yes i will make crossovers. Im mainly gonna focus on BET, LW, and Creepypasta.
Currently, im trying to decide who i want my account to be based off of more
The underling from BET or Smile/Frown.EXE (more on them later)
Now is later. So smile and frown have their own backstorys, but for now, think of them like sun and moon from fnaf sb. They can fuse together to make one being (Emotionless.EXE) or they can be two separate beings. I will make a chapter on them alone in a few minutes so you know more about them