Chapter 4 )Bigger Things on the Horizon(

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She grabbed it down and broke through the door, finding Mono clutching his T.V for dear life, she noted that no matter where Mono went, his face was still hidden. The room was broken up with two doors, the one that Six came through and the one on the other side of the room. The floor was broken and cracked for the most part, due to it being stone and the more she broke the T.V, The more unstable the tower became. She got the axe and prepared to break the T.V more. This time she called to Mono loudly, which seemed to agitate him "HEY!" Six yelled as she ran through the door with Mono screeching and rampaging at her. She walked over to the T.V while Mono was distracted at the door and swung the axe on it again, she was launched back, hearing Mono scream in agony again. Six shook her head once the white noise cleared up, she was in a dark room with a pale blue light trail. She followed it, it lead her to a door with an axe in it, she could see through the cracks that there was the same purplish pink light. She grabbed the axe down and broke through it. It lead her into the same room with Mono, except now there's four doors, two on each side, the one she was at was a step down from where she was originally. So she called Mono again "OI!" She yelled, it agitated him again. So she ran through the door, dragging the axe that is 2 times to big for her through the door, while Mono was distracted in the left side, she took the opportunity to go up and break the T.V once more, Six is honestly surprised it's still working and making noises. Once Six had taken the axe down on the T.V again, it launched her back, she knew what to do. She was in that same inky black room with only a dimmed light to guide her. She had to walk a bit more this time, but it's all worth it when her and Mono escape. She does the same thing as before. The room hasn't changed much except for the fact it's breaking more. Six called Mono to the left door once again. He hated it. "HEY!" She ran, dragging the axe along again, and while Mono was distracted in trying to reach through the door she brought the axe down. This time, Mono tried to reach for Six to stop her.

He was launched back along with Six. She awoke to a fleshy mass in front of her, making a small cove for Mono as he gripped the T.V, Six estimated at least 2 more hits would do it. She yelled at Mono once picking her axe up, this time, he retreated back in fear. "OI!" She hit the T.V once more. The purplish pink light illuminating from the fleshy mass of eyes and skin making her stomach churn as she saw Mono getting smaller. She prepared to hit the T.V one more time, looking at Mono who was reaching for it. Before whispering "I'm sorry..." she brought the axe down one more time as Mono screeched in agony once Six was launched back. She shook herself awake and saw Mono lying there. He was back to normal, she walked over to him, realising the purplish pink that was illuminating the flesh is gone. Upon reaching him, she took the bag off, bringing her hood back over her head and looking down at Mono, who's face was still shrouded in darkness.. she handed him his bag to which he carefully reached out to take, once placing it on he stood up and hugged Six, She returned the notion. Just glad her friend was back to normal but the moment was short lived once the same light from before shone brighter from the mass and the mount of disgusting flesh began to move and chase the 10 and 9 year old. Mono began to run through the signal tower as it began to break up into pieces, with Six following not too far behind. Mono dodged and weaved through the debris of falling rocks or stone to flesh and eyes falling from behind the walls. Six had to jump over the flesh and parkour from rocks to avoid it, the flesh felt gross and she could feel it moving below her feet. Finally Six made it to a doorway, it lead to the exit which was just across the falling bridge with no supporting beams, she saw Mono ahead, but she tripped just after barely escaping the flesh, she quickly got up and ran across the bridge, Mono had made it but the part in between the platform he was on had already fallen. Mono turned once on the platform and reached out as Six jumped, he caught her. "Mono! We did it! Now you just have to pull-" Six cut herself off, looking up at Mono to see that the socket area's of his bag were glowing that gut wrenching purplish pink. She could feel him hesitating but she could tell. He. Wasn't. In. Control. Then... the unthinkable happened... he dropped her. What is this feeling inside her gut... it felt like... sorrow... hate... sadness... betrayal. It wasn't right. That wasn't Mono. He wouldn't do that to her.

He slowly walked away, towards the doorway that looked like a T.V, buzzing and whirring with static. Once exiting, he was in that same living room with the T.V where he freed Thin Man. Suddenly the glow from his eyes stopped and the sockets of his paper bag turned pitch black again. Mono fell to the floor breathing... "What... What the hell.... Happened..." He breathlessly spoke, trying to breathe but he felt like something was pulling on his heart and mind. Wait. Something is missing. He felt empty. Where's Six? He stood up in a flash, looking about. No. No. Where is she!? She's.... She's not here. Mono fell to the floor on his knees again. He looked up from where he was kneeling to see a shadowy figure that looked like him. Mono stood up, peering at it with curiosity. It looked towards a poster carelessly strewn about on the ground. Mono followed it's gaze and walked towards the poster. "The Maw?" Mono said twitching feeling like something was pulling at his limbs. Controlling him. He shook off the feeling, clutching his stomach. What is this feeling!? It's like... pain. It leaves him breathless. He's hungry. He felt the need to eat. The shadow figure only glanced toward the child on the floor clutching his stomach. Mono stood up, Where is Six. He had to find her.... Mono tried to ignore the pain he felt deep within his stomach. The shadow figure disappeared as Mono began to walk slowly, bent over and clutching his stomach. He looked around, his vision going hazy. He whipped around, upon hearing the sound of something skittering in the dark. His stomach growled furiously, there it was. A tiny nome. It walked into the light of the staticky T.V, it looked at Mono and tilted it's head. Mono was surprised, was that the nome from the hunters cabin? Did it follow him all this way? He watched as it ran off and came back with a piece of bread. "I-Is that for me?" Mono asked, The Nome nodded and brung it over to the boy with the paper bag. Mono took it graciously and ate it, it was stale and old, it tasted gross and moist, but he couldn't complain, it was food. It was enough to stabilise him, at least to the point where he won't attempt to eat the nome like he originally planned. He sighed, looking at the nome. "Thank you" He said, The Nome chittered happily in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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