Chapter 27: Perfect Understanding

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13/11/15 café Evening Y/N POV

After yesterday's talk with Margaret has been in my mind all day, to the point where I nearly forgot about work, if it weren't for Minato and Ryoji. After a long day, we close the shop and head into the kitchen to clean the dishes and coffee for each other.

Ryoji: "Come on... Friendship's a wonderful thing, isn't it."

I was taken by surprise by this comment since it sounded like what Pharos said but I decided to say nothing.

Minato: "Is it?"

Ryoji: "Ah, you're not denying it today! I think I sort of understand now. You're afraid of losing people, aren't you? That's why you try to resist forming close attachments with others. But, you're wrong you know. Because even if you lose someone, you never lose the bond that you shared with them. Like if I were to vanish someday, the bond that links us would still always remain. That's what it means to be friends."

The message that Ryoji was conveying took me and Minato by surprise, with how similar it was to what Pharos said when he said goodbye.

Y/N: "You do have a point."

Ryoji: "Good to know at least someone agrees with me... Let's wrap this up quickly. I'm getting hungry."

We finish cleaning the dishes and I give everyone a cup of coffee and we talk about the day.

 Time skip 14/11/15 Evening

As I return to the dorm with Minato we see Yukari talking to Hamuko, and Junpei sitting by himself. I sigh and walk over to him.

Y/N: "Hey, everything alright."

Junpei: "No."

Y/N: "What happened?"

Junpei: "It's Chidori... I think I should stop seeing her."

Y/N: "Is that what you want?"

Junpei: "No... but, it's what Chidori wants."

Y/N: "Are you sure? Was there any other kind of meaning?"

Junpei: "No."

Y/N: "I don't think you should stop seeing her since being in a hospital room by yourself is pretty lonely. I think you should still see her before we go to Kyoto, but maybe for not as long. Maybe after the trip, she wants you since you've been away for a while."

Junpei: "Yeah, I think you're right."

I then see the Magician Arcana appear.

 Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increase the Magician arcana to their Seventh level.'

Y/N: "I'm glad to help."

Junpei: "Thanks Y/N."

I then leave Junpei and go back to my room and sleep my worries away.

17/11/15 Early Morning Train Station

Today was the school trip to Kyoto. I wasn't too excited since I've been there multiple times but I was still hoping that I would enjoy it. When we entered the train I sat by myself just looking out the window for most of the trip, thinking about my past excursions. When we arrived we were directed to a staircase of the station. I was at the very back of the cluster of students, waiting for the tour guide to start the tour. After a while, the tour guide leads us towards some tour buses and we continued the journey from there. When the tour buses finally stop we arrive in front of a traditional inn by sunset. I regroup with all of the second-year sections of SEES and enter all together.

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