Chapter ⅩⅩⅪ: Reflection... More... Now

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31/12/09 Minato's Room Late Evening

Minato, Hamuko and I stand in the blue-haired leader's room waiting for Ryoji, so we can give him our answer. Minato was standing by the window looking out, while Hamuko was sitting on the end of the bed, and I was sitting at Minato's desk. We didn't say anything. We just waited, knowing that we'd hear each other's point of view during our conversation with Ryoji. I kept an eye on the time that Steve was showing me on the top right-hand side of both lenses. As time drew nearer to the Dark Hour, our patience and silence were finally rewarded.

Ryoji: "Hey. I hope you don't mind me sitting here."

We all look over to see Ryoji sitting on the other side of the bed Hamuko was sitting on.

Minato: "Long time no see."

Hamuko: "It's good to see you again."

Y/N: "Glad to see that you're alright."

Ryoji: "Yeah, I guess. Bring back memories. We used to sit and talk like this all the time."

Minato: "Yeah, we did."

Ryoji: "Well, I didn't look like this back then, and I went by a different name."

Hamuko: "You're still the same to all of us, at least."

Ryoji: "Am I? Pretty soon, it will be midnight. Once it's past that time, I'll lose this physical form and turn into an entity intangible to everyone. That's why this is the only chance to make the final decision. Kill me and relinquish your memories of the Dark Hour, or else cower in fear as you await your death. Now, make your choice."

Minato and Hamuko look at each other and communicate with their eyes. I stare on, confused by the bleak, melancholy expression on their faces. I felt this pit of immense worry fill my soul.

Minato/Hamuko: "We're going to kill you."

Y/n: "What?"

Ryoji: "I'm glad you two understand."

Y/N: "Well, I don't. You can kill him if you want, but I'll still fight."

Ryoji: "I think that looking to the future is a great way to live. But, that doesn't mean that other ways of living is wrong. No one knows which road leads to happiness. Can't you understand their decision?"

Y/N: "I can, but I've forged my own path, and I'm willing to fight it, even if I'm alone."

Minato: "Y/N, don't. We can't win even if we all work together."

Y/N: "You can't change my mind. I won't forget the existence of the Dark Hour. I won't forget again. So Ryoji, tell me, how I can fight before they kill you."

Ryoji: "Top of Tartarus. If you're quick, then maybe you've got a chance."

I nodded before I tried to rush off quickly, but I was stopped by Minato, who grabbed my hand.

Minato: "Y/N, please, it's not worth it."

Y/N: "I'm willing to sacrifice my life so you and your girlfriend, Hamuko and her boyfriend, Junpei and his girlfriend, Fuuka and her boyfriend, so everyone can live a complete life with the people they love. Then I'm going to try, and you can't stop me."

I freed my hand from his grasp before I went to my room and grabbed the red weapon given to me by my 'younger self' called the Monado and my evoker given to me at the start of this journey. I rushed downstairs past every member of S.E.E.S sitting in the lounge waiting for our response and exited the dormitory, making my way to Tartarus.

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