Getting comfortable

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Jens POV

We get to Leahs apartment late at night after our dinner and little walk we had.

"Mimiiii" I said happily and crouched down to pet her. She was super excited, wagging her tiny tail like crazy making her whole body move side to side.

"She missed her mom" Leah says as she puts her things down.

I sat on the floor and sat in criss cross and continued playing with her for a bit until I got tired.

I leaned back onto my hands and just watched Mimi play with her toy while she was on my legs.

Leah took a pic of us like that and she laughs.

"So candid" she says. I giggled and got up and let Mimi wander off in the apartment. My favorite thing to do is look out Leah's floor to ceiling windows too so I can see the view. "Damn I feel like New York is busy tonight" I said. "Right? Everyone's out"

"And of course we're the ones staying in" I giggle. "We can go out if you want"

"No! I wana stay in. It's cold out and I like the cozy vibes in here. It feels perfect. Like, can we make hot cocoa? Then watch amovie?" I ask. "Of course love. I can get that started. If you want you can change while you wait" she says. "Okay yay" I smile.

So I went to change into some sweat shorts and a seamless cropped tank top that cups my boobs perfectly and shows off my abs. It's perfect for sleeping but also cute for any simple basic outfit.

I come back to the kitchen island that's right behind the couch where Leah was putting out some mugs and marshmallows and whip cream.

"Ohhh yum" I said and opened the whip cream and immediately spray some in my mouth. She laughs while stirring the cocoa mix together with the milk. She knows I like it better with milk and not water. It gives more flavor.

"Here, put marshmallows in" she says and opens the packet. So I started putting some. She sprayed whip cream on her mug. Then she sprayed some in her mouth too. I looked at her and smiled.

"Copy cat" I said. "No" she says with her mouth full. I shake my head and drank my hot cocoa.

"Mm yummmyyyy"


"Try yours!"

So she drinks it's and reacted the same way. I tilt my head and smiled as I leaned on my side against the island.

"You're right"

"Haha see..." I said and pressed my lips as I continued looking at her. There was a brief pause, but then I leaned into her and gave her a kiss on the lips. It was just calling my name.

"Your lips taste better though" I said softly. "Like hot cocoa too..duh"

I roll my eyes and stepped away and walked to the couch.

"Movie time" I said.

So we chilled at the couch as the movie was playing. But then we ended up cuddling instead. Mimi was on the dog bed on the floor by the couch sleeping.

"It's raining" I said noticing the soft thunder and also looked at my phone for the weather. "Oh it is!" Leah says. I sigh and relaxed myself more. I love the rain and watching a movie while having hot chocolate with my fiancé makes it even better.

She runs her fingers through my hair softly multiple times and it felt so nice.

"Mmm" I mumble. She looks at me and leans in and nibbles onto my jawline. I smile and let her do that for a bit. Then I hold onto her face softly and kissed her lips. We then made out for a few minutes and eventually ended up on my back.

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