What if

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Jens pov

"Oh so you're cheating on me" I said. Even though I know she's not. She just said that with sarcasm.

"You really think I'm doing shit behind your back?"

I didn't say anything after that.

"If anything I should be worried about you doing something behind my back" she says... so she wants to argue.

"I was making money for us!" I said. "Yeah and I'm making money for us too in New York. I'm not fucking with anyone so why are you questioning me about destiny? Why would I do shit behind your back?"

"To get back at me I bet"

"Jennifer seriously.."

"You spend so much time with her and don't even think about me"

"I think about you everywhere I go! We already know we don't have to text every single second but that doesn't mean I don't think about you. Like I seriously wish you can live in New York with me!"

"As a couple though.. I feel like we should be together way more. Especially that we're engaged now." I said

"So what? Quit my job?"

"No. Don't choose me"

"So what?"

"I don't know Leah!" I exclaimed. She looked away and shook her head. "Don't shake your head at me as if I'm the problem"

"What? So I'm the problem?!"

"I mean if you didn't get that job we wouldn't be here arguing"

"You wanted me to take the offer! Plus why would I reject my dream job?! You've been supporting me and suddenly you're starting to blame me and the job? And destiny?!"

"I didn't blame destiny."

"We'll you keep bringing her up. So I'm gonna assume you hate her."

"You're with her all the time"

"So what? You know who she is in my life. Nothing more than she is. Do you want me to stop being around her? Cause there's no way when we have so many events together. There's other workers in with everyday. We just happen to be with each other way more! Im not going to drop her out of my life and make it awkward at work just so I can be a little more lonely and make you think that I'll think more about you when I already always think about you!"

"I just don't feel like as you're fiancé, I should be this far apart from you this much. We haven't even planned much of our wedding." I said.

"So what do you want me to do? Quit?" She says. I stayed quiet.

"Im not quitting"

"So you don't love me"


I pressed my lips. I shouldn't have said that. I know she loves me. Im just being extremely sensitive. Cause im letting whatever just come out of my mouth.

"You ever think about how I wish you didn't have to work in la only? You're working your dream job that you worked so hard for when I know for a fact you can get so much money from making fashion content or modeling or both! And if you went to the events I work at, you'd totally be even more famous and be asked to work with so many big brands."

"So the job I have now is useless? What if we wants kids together? Will the fashion and modeling life help them in the future?"

"Of course it will. We can put so much money together into their college funds. Have a set bank account just for them to have when they're grown up and by the time they're grown up, they'll have their own job and we wouldn't have to worry" Leah says.

"Why do I have to leave my job but you don't?!"

"I'm not saying to leave it! I'm just thinking about the what ifs. And it's more practical if you left instead of me because I can get you into so many gigs."

She's kind of right. But am I ready for that? No. I have so much on my mind. Plus she'll rub it in my face if I admit she's right.

Later on as it was getting to be night time, I went to go shower. But I took a long shower. I had music playing on the ipad we have set in the bathroom on the wall. Yes very high tech of us.

I ended up crying while showering but I didn't want Leah so hear or see so thankfully the music was covering it.

Then when I was finally ready to come out of the shower, I just did my night time face routine in the bathroom as I'm in my towel. Then after, came out and threw on some shorts and a big tshirt. Leah was sitting in bed on the computer. Most likely looking at her emails.

She looked at me as I slid into bed by her. She closes her laptop and plays with my hair softly.

"You're not going to dry it?" She asks me.

I shake my head no.

"Here. I'll dry it for you" she says and gets up to grab the hair dryer. Then she plugs it in by the bed and starts drying my hair. I just sat there. Just looking down at my hands. Then at some points around the room.

She finished and rand her fingers through my hair a few times.

"There you go"

"Thanks" I said softly.

Once she put the dryer away, she sits in bed by me again. I feel her lean in and then kissed me softly on my neck.

"What's wrong now?" She asks. She just knows.

I shake my head.

"We shouldn't be fighting on my weekend here."

"So we should fight only when we're states apart?"

"No!" She snaps. I sighed and look at her. I can feel myself about to cry again.

"Baby..please don't cry.." she says. I continued looking at her. I love this woman so much. But I hate what we're going through right now.

She cups my face and pouts as she observes me.

"I just..hate sleeping alone" I said.

"I hate it too..but what can we do?" She says.

I don't respond. She leans in and starts to kiss my neck again.

"Just..think about something." She says in between the kissing. "Think about how much fame you'll get if you leave your job and become full time for something I know you'll be so good at" she says softly. Then she moved her lips to my lips and brushes it slowly.

"I know you've worked hard for you medical job.. but you can make easy money doing the fashion model life...and...I know...you'll make...way more.." she says. Then pins my hands back as she makes out with me.

She's so annoying cause she knows how weak I am right now, crying, overthinking, and now she's messing with me into getting sex. I'm such a mess right now.

"Cause you're so...sexy.." she whispers. I smile a tiny bit as she's working me up.

"And so powerful.."

She lowered herself down and I leaned back onto the head rest. She pushes my legs apart after pulling my shorts off.

"And I want us to be able to plan our wedding" she says. Then she starts teasing me down below at my pussy. I bit my lip and just watched her.

"You're going to be my wife no matter what" she says. Then slips her fingers in. "Ohh.." I moaned.

That was sexy.

As she fingers me, she brings her lips to my lips and I kissed back. The kissing and fingering is making me melt all at once. And I came so fast. I really fucking missed her.

"Mm..is that a new record?" She asks. I nervously giggle. "I missed you" I said. "Ha..I know. I see!"

It's still sad to me. I can only get this treatment a few times a month since we're long distant. She treats me so good when we're distant too but it's better for me to experience it in person. I'm more physical. And I do the same to her but she seems more of the dominant one as we're distant. I used to be the dominant one but that's when we lived together.

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