Chapter Fifteen: Port Royal

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Sasha saw to it Will did indeed find a way to Jamaica and as soon as he was gone, she got her men ready to go. Knowing Beckett, there would be some kind of catch to Will returning with the compass and that catch would most likely lead to a hanging. She sailed with haste and made it to Port Royal within a few days. She docked at the end of the marina, instructing her men to lay low as Beckett's men were all over the city. Sasha put on her best dress to blend in and wandered the town until she found the Governor's mansion.

"Governor Swann, where is your daughter?" She barged into his office, pushing past the butler who was trying to stop her. The older man turned to them from his spot in front of the large window.

"I am sorry sir, I tried to stop her." The butler reached out to grab her and she smacked his hand away. Governor Swann dismissed the man and allowed Sasha to continue.

"Sir, I know he's offered pardons but he's a known liar. Coming from a pirate that means little but I know none of this bodes well-"

"I'm well aware of his plans, Ms. Hartford." He turned to face her fully. "I see William found you, has he found Jack?" Sasha shook her head apologetically.

"No, but he's on the right path. I came to see that Elizabeth is safe."

"How noble." He sat down at his desk and held a wax stick over one of the candles. "I'm sending her to England, I do still have favor with the King. Your assistance will not be necessary." Swann held up his sealed letter addressed to King George II.

"When are you enacting this little jailbreak?" Sasha stepped closer. "Please let me at least accompany you, I would be nothing more than a bodyguard."

The answer is no, Ms. Hartford. I think I can look after my own daughter and see to it she escapes without the help of a criminal. She at least has a chance of a normal life in England, I will not have her tangled up with you lot again."

"I understand, sir." Sasha offered a short bow to him. "Apologies, Governor. I'll take my leave."

Sasha left the mansion, pushing through the evening crowds as they bustled through the market. The fort was heavily guarded but she needed to at least lay eyes on Elizabeth. She poked around like she was lost but eventually found the entrance to the prison. The guards at the door eyed her suspiciously as she approached.

"Excuse me, my husband hasn't been home in a few days and he's been known to get into a spot of trouble. Might I take a look inside and see if he's gotten himself thrown in jail again?"

"Sorry ma'am, no civilians allowed." One of the guards adjusted his hold on his rifle.

"Please sirs, I just need to know if I should be on the next boat home." They stood firm. She threw her hands up. "Mother was right, coming to the new world with him was the worst mistake I ever made. Nothing good has come from it! It's hot, there are pirates attacking the towns, and now my no good, swill-belly husband is making a mockery of me." The taller, more portly guard raised a brow. The smaller man grimaced, shaking his head.

"Alright, love! We'll take you to see if he's here." He moved to open the doors but the larger man stopped him.

"We can't leave our post."

"Yeah and we can't let her wander unsupervised either."

"Obviously we can't bloody well let her go alone." The larger man rolled his eyes. "Lord Beckett said no civilians."

"Gents, if I may." Sasha reigned in her irritation at their pickering and smiled as politely as she could. "What if one of you escorts me inside? I'll know him as soon as I lay eyes on him, won't take long and you won't have to leave the door unguarded." They seemed to think this new idea over and both nodded at the same time.

"Twenty minutes. Any more than that, they'll catch me alone during rounds." The smaller guard opened one of the doors.

Sasha followed the larger man inside the dank fort, sticking close to play the part of scared woman. He stopped at various cells and each time she would shake her head no. She knew one of the cells would hold Elizabeth, she just had to hold out a little longer. The guard led her down a narrow staircase and he offered her his hand to steady herself.

"Thank you." The first cell was empty and the man seemed to pass by the next one despite it being inhabited. "My word, what is this lovely young lass doing in a place like this." Sasha rushed to the bars.

"Come along, she isn't who you're looking for." He reached out to grab her arm and she smacked it away softly.

"You there, girl." Elizabeth looked up and had to fight to hide her relief from the guard. Sasha clocked the state of her and gritted her teeth. "What have you done to this poor bride?"

"She's engaged to a known pirate and has been accused of piracy herself."

"Shame, pretty young thing throwing her lot in with pirates. Don't know any sensible woman who would do such a thing." She turned like she was going to leave but stopped, looking Elizabeth in the eye. "If you find yourself released from this place, you'll be sure to find safety in the house of God." The guard took her by the arm and led her away.

Sasha finished her little tour and apologized to the guards once they were back at the gate. Clearly her husband wasn't arrested, perhaps she would check down by the docks as he so frequently gambled with the sailors. She hurried back to her ship, alerting Allard and Leith of her plan. They went to the church in town and bribed the priest into letting them wait there for their wayward soul.

The sun had set a few hours ago, and the three waited for what felt like several more. It had to be well into the morning when the church door swung open and Elizabeth ran in. She was out of breath and clutching something tight to her chest. Sasha rushed over to her and began looking her over, making sure she was ok.

"Captain Hartford, I was so relieved to see you." She hugged the pirate.

"Your father said he was going to spring you and send you off to England, but I knew you wouldn't want that to happen. I am just glad you are ok." Sasha let go and turned to Leith. "Make sure the coast is clear so we can get her back to the ship without being spotted. Last thing we need is a fight with Beckett's men."

"Can you help me get to Will?" Elizabeth followed them as they went to the door to check for soldiers. Sasha looked back at the young girl and smiled.

"That's the plan, lass. We just have to make it to the Reprieve first."

"Alright, we're good." Leith motioned for them to leave and the four of them snuck back to the docks.

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