Spoiler, Nothing Ends Well

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"So, Miss Alexia, why do you think you suffer from depression?" A woman asks

"I do not know. You should be telling me, you are the psychiatrist!" Miss Alexia exclaims

Psychiatrist Higgins sighs and looks at her client, multiple strains of hair in her face her eyes looking fiercely into Higgins's soul.

"I've done this to another patient, and they didn't make a fuss... so why are you making this difficult?" Higgins asks

Alexia didn't answer Higgins's question, rather she stayed quiet and tries to intimidate Higgins by looking fiercely into her soul. But Higgins wasn't scared or intimidated by her client. She'd dealt with worse in her course.

"I can prescribe you the right amount of antidepressants if you tell me why you think you are depressed?"

Again Alexia didn't answer her, but she'd rather looks at her hands her nails, and how she'd chew them exposing the nail bed.

Higgins sighs and explains, "Miss Alexia if your husband is abusing you again, maybe consider it time to let him go, but I am not a marriage counselor I am a psychiatrist and you need to tell me what is going on and why you think you have depression. You already have anxiety which I've prescribed pills for you, and you are my last patient so we can sit here for hours."

Alexia sighs her breath trembling, "My mother and father had depression, and the anxiety doesn't make it any better, so I overthink it and just decide to assume I have it. My husband stopped his abusive ways but I can't come to a conclusion about why I feel the way I feel."

"Ok... any childhood trauma?" Higgins asks

"My father used to scold on me continuously and beat me."

"Well that could be a reason, why you feel very tired and strains on your hair is falling out, and you are right about the reason that your anxiety isn't making it better. And on the negative part, your husband didn't make my job easier."

Alexia nods her head slowly, inhales and quickly exhales, she looks back into Higgins's brown eyes and asks, "So does that mean I am depressed?"

"Not necessarily... but I have a good feeling you are, so what I will do is I will prescribe lite antidepressants and then I want to see you next week again. And if you do not come I'm going to drag you out of your house right here into my office ok." Higgins making it clear to Alexia that she wasn't joking around.

Alexia gives a soft smile to Higgins and thanks her for her time. She walks out of the room with the paper of prescribed medication. Higgins sighs in relief, thanking her shift was finally over.

Until a knock on her door interrupts her enjoyment of free time. "Oh please, do not be another patient on the other side of that door." Higgins thought

"Come in." She answers

The door opens and a woman walks into the room it was Karina one of her good friends, she has loose brunette coloured hair tugged behind her ears and has spectacular green eyes matching with her green top and blue jeans. Her voice is soft and gentle. Karina Jude is a 34 year old therapist who attended the same university as Higgins. "Kaya, are you ready?" She asks

Kaya Higgins, a 36 year old psychiatrist and worked with Karina in the same building in Santorini, Greece. Natural curled brown hair tight in a bun, with brown eyes, and has a gentle but hard voice, perfect to work with clients if they are hiding something. Wearing a yellow top and light blue jeans. "I just thought you were a client," Kaya answers

"And why so?" Karina asks confused

"I had one client that scheduled at five today."

"Oh, dear." Karina responds worriedly she adds, "Well today I had a ten year old with me."

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