19: Jeonlous to whipped Jeon

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Taehyung's POV

It's been a week since Jungkook and I talked at the cafe. And Im on my way to my condo at Seoul. I decided to come back to Seoul and to stay there for good. I will sure miss Daegu and my students there since I stayed there for 5 months but I will promised visit them again whenever I had time.

For now, I really miss my family, my friends and my students in Seoul.

I went to my condo and after I fix my things. I decided to visit my family and spent time with them. We ate and we talked for many hours. They told me what Jungkook did and I also told them that I already knew it and infact Jungkook is courting me again. They are happy to hear it and they support me. After spending time with my family, I also visit Chim and Jinie. They are happy to see me. I told them I will work at the school again. And Jinie accepted me.

(After a month)

Jungkook's POV

It's been a months since I started courting my Taetae. I always fetch him after class. We always have a date every Fridays and Sundays. And I always give him flowers and his favorite foods almost everyday.

I can feel that our relationship is improving. Since we laughed together. And we even said i love you's to each other. Everything is going well until one day when I will fetch my taetae at school, I saw something that made my blood boils.

Taehyung's POV

It's foundation day of our school and Jinie said some famous person will be here to watch the students. I decided to look over my students since they will perform later. They will sing and dance.

Me: everyone, are you all ready for your performance?
Students: Ywes Tweacher taetae!
(Yes teacher taetae!)
Me: wow! Very good! Okay come on let's go to the main hall.
Steph: taetae, im scared. What if I made a mistake?
Me: my baby steph, don't be scared. I know you will do better. If you made a mistake. Just smile. It's fine okay. Just enjoy your performance. I am here to cheer for all of you.
Steph: okay taetae! You are the best!

When we are at the main hall, Jinie speaks.

Jin: Good morning everyone. Today is the foundation day of our school. We will have a lot of performances from our adorablea students and here with us, is our guest celebrity. He will watch all of your performances, please welcome. Mr. Park Bogum.

Bogum? I froze when I heard his eye. He is Bogum. My ex for 7 years. The one that cheated on me. I haven't seen him for years now. I already moved on. I was just so shock to see him. He is at the stage and he is speaking when he saw me, he smiled at me and I also smiled at him.

After the performances and games, the students can already leave. I am at my classroom with baby Steph and we sre waiting for Jungkook, when someone knocks.

Bogum: Hello hello strawberry tae!

I looked at there I saw Bogum. He is smiling at me.

Me: oh, stop with that nickname. Hello Bogum hyung, long time no see.

Bogum: it's nice to see you again strawberry tae. And don't stop me calling you it. It's just so cute like you.
Me: fine! Do whatever you want mint choco gummie.

I said while laughing. I can see how he pouts. Bogum cheated on me. But he already asked for forgiveness. He even begged at me. I forgive him coz I already moved on. But before, when he asked for a chance again, i reject him and said I can't love him like I used to before. All I can do is forgive him. He begged me that he will accept even just friendship. And honestly, I dont want to be friends with my ex. But, looking at him before. I just nodded. We became busy and now that he is here. It's kinda strange to see him after years. But, he has such a bubbly personality and having a friend like him is good. He is so funny. I can't wait to introduce him to Jungkook.

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